I'm committed on this box.  The hole for the humbucker is cut and finished, but with the mounting ring which is a flat piece of metal the height of the pickup is a problem at its lowest possible point and still be on the screws.  I've  been thinking about cutting the flat area off and bending the strap and drilling a new hole which would at least in my minds eye allow for a lower possible position.  

I looked for longer screws in the same size but to no avail.  I could I suppose use the next larger size screw but 1/4 inch longer and just open the hole in the strap a little.  

On a lighter note and pretty much unrelated, I stopped by a cigar shop and got 7 WOOD Punch and Arturo Fuente boxes for $3 each.  No paper covered boxes but the Fuente boxes have a nice looking paper piece in the center of the wooden lid.  I'm ecstatic!

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  • IMAG0320.jpg

    • Ahh, the joy of building this stuff, a problem, some messing about and then a workable solution,fellings of satisfaction,  love it.                    Cheers Ron


    • That's more like it...better than resorting to go to StewMac for fiddly items. With a similar problem, I've also resorted to fixing the pickup directly to blocks glued under the top and fixed from the inside, or to blocks glued either side of the neckstick. This method is without a mounting ring, and it means you have to 'pre-set' the height of the pickup as there are no externally visible screws..and in the second method you fix the pickup in place and then close the box lid... it needs an accurate fit.

  • You can see here that the blocks are epoxied at this point, but the springs need to be shortened a bit, but I'm pretty happy with the way it went.  IMAG0319.jpg

  • IMAG0317.jpg

  • I finally found screws that were long enough but they were too small in diameter for the tabs on the pickup so I was back to square one and then I came up with a solution.  The first picture will show how high the pickup was and this was with the threads barely engaging. The solution turned out to be two blocks of maple with a saw kerf enough to let the tab in and epoxied in place and the pictures should explain pretty well.IMAG0314.jpg

  • Well, I finally did the obvious.  I feel kind of stupid, but here is the problem.  I measured the screws that came with the pickup and the height adjustment screws are 7/8" long which makes them start the pickup in the lowest position 3/8" higher than what would be normal with a normal 1 1/4" long screw.  So the simplest of all solutions is to order some screws from stewmac.  Stupid me, I figured there was a standard that everyone adhered to.

  • you know, another idea you might consider is glueing a block of wood under each screw inside the box and putting the springs under the pup rather than over, like a pup screwed into a solidbody..  then you could open the holes in the mount a ways so you can get a wee screwdriver thru em to adjust the height

  • Hi,

    How is the humbucker being mounted please?

    I have a similar  one which lies flush with the ring when mounted using the pickup springs and screws (which are only 1 inch long).


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