Would you have a look at my latest build. Do you see a problem with the head stock? I have noticed quite a few builds with a scope at the front where machine heads go, I put mine at the back so when I added the finger board the head stock was sandwiched on the middle.
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Oh dear, I thought as much, it will annoy me forever If I don't change it. On the other hand can I de-construct without ruining it before I fit a new neck, uummmm tricky
Here she is
I use the small eye hooks the same as the screw, they just hold the string down and in the right spot. You can spread them out or put three in a row right behind the fret board. Just pre drill and screw them in to the desired height. Even adds a bit of color to the head stock.
I back cut most of my head stocks this way. I have found using small eye hooks as string restraint works for me. I can get exact spacing the way I want it and it keeps the strings low as well. Looks awesome, would like to see the rest of it too!!
Ii appears you have some type of string tee/restraint,so all should be ok,as Keith says,as long as you have a good break over the nut,it'just about how you want it too look
Keith is right. No break angle and at minimum you get buzzing strings. Two choices to correct it. String trees or other device to lower the string angle from the tuning pegs toward the nut. Or, see Wayfinder's discussion titled "Mild Insanity". The pictures are self explanatory, and will offer an alternative to this.
Best of luck.
only problem I can see is the lack of break angle. by carving the back instead of the front it puts the tuners high enough that the strings don't "break" over the nut potentially causing tone issues. if it sounds ok and doesn't buzz it's cool but I wouldn't count on it working every time.