
ok im building a cbg! lol! somome gave me a washburn neck and i got it on the box and got strings on it and now im wondering a lot of things! it rocks without any holes in the box! its beautiful! i had this vision of it with a piezo and a regular pickup and a switch to do one or the other and a fader to devide them and and and shit! im so confused! i wanted a resonator but it sounds so sweet the way it is now ,i just dont know....what pickup would bring the sound it has no to life? do the humbuckers catch the sound from the box? do i realy need a resonator ? shit im so impressed with the sound now..i dont know what direction to go! does a piezo catch the sound from the box better than a humbucker? why cant i have both? i need feedback ! lord help me i opened a can of worms!




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  • My 2 cents, keep what you got and build another one for electric and another one for a reso. Don't be like me, every time I get an idea I tear mine apart, and rebuild. Its in a constant state of rebirth and is only strung and playable about 15% of the time. I've played more on the ones I build for other people than my own. Hey, the more the merrier. 

  • ok i dont even have holes in the box! and yer rite! i should probably just open the back and throw a peizo in and call it quits! but i bet i can put a resonator in without ever cutting a hole in the top for the bridge..i figure if the sound goes through the bridge into the box..and if the resonator cone touched the top rite under the bridge it would transfer...

     I still wana know about the pickups and piezos! what about a preamp and one piezo? awwww shit! im sprung!

    • The piezo will pick up vibrations from everything... the box, the air, the strings, your hands, anything else around generating vibrations which is why people often cushion them inside foam or hot glue, to dampen extraneous noise. A single coil or humbucker will pickup string vibrations.

    • now were getting somewhere! what about the ones under the bridge? the rods? and if the sound thats coming from it now is from the strings ...i mean it almost sounds like it has a resonator but it doesnt have one...well crap ! i gotta think!

    • Haven't done a rod piezo yet but a lot of folks here like them better. I bought a single coil pick up off ebay to experiment with an a set of humbuckers from a guy upgrading his Ibanez. I'm curious to see how they sound vs. piezos. 

  • My solution would be, keep what you have, it sounds like you approve. I would build another similar...and try all your ideas on it.

    All the Best!

  • Just a suggestion, and worth every penny you're paying for it, but you might get hold of Randy Bretz and ask him about a piezo bridge for your build. That would kill 2 birds with 1 stone (bridge and pick-up) - and also free up that poor sharpie for use on the bathroom wall, like it was intended...

    Great looking build! Welcome to the madness!

  • Yup, you got bit buy the infamous CBG bug- nice build indeed. Continue to read what has been said about your topics about making it electric and go from there. Each CBG sounds different, that is the magic of this hobby- build and have fun.

  • That saddle is a sharpie.>:-E

    I tend to agree with Kid on this one: enjoy your acousticness, build another for your rocker side.

    Clock, I think the can o' worms is what he wanted to use for a resonator ;-).
  • Um, I looked and looked and looked and, Lord help me, I just don't see it. No matter how carefully I examined your photos, I could not find the can of worms, opened or otherwise.

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