
  • Keith I've cleared My cookies, baked cookies even  tossed .y cookies with the same results. I'll take a shot at the edit trick and hopefully it'll work. Bingo it worked

    • Always more than one way.....

  • Hi, as I mentioned some weeks ago it would be beneficial to have a permenant notice at the top of the main page something like....Owing to difficulties posting on this site it is sugggested that to ensure your post appears, first time, please do the following.............. Sorry for any inconvenience. Easy temporary fix and everybody's happy.

  • Keep the Faith Paul see that people care, sometimes the chips are down, that dont mean its personal, Keep on Keeping on !4297531144?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Hope you reconsider. You are a big part of why I joined. You are valued here. Perhaps they can get something going soon. Hope to see you here again soon. Take care.


  • If anything, this like a storm, just wait it out? There’s tons of other sites & blogs on the Ning platform the techs also have to deal with? So, let’s be patient, this site’s been here for almost 20 years. It’s gonna have some ticks & it’s not going away anytime soon.  So, “don’t touch that dial” as we used to say in a different time. :) 

    Peace, Love & Cigar Box Nation :D 

    • ^^^This^^^

  • We have filed tickets with Ning, and they havent done much. I wish I had a magic fix for this but unfortunately I don't.

    • With everything going on right now and all the people at home, it may take awhile to fix.

  • Hope this isn't an April Fools thing, lol. Have you tried clearing cookies? Just a suggestion. I reported it to Ben Gitty Baker, last week. Will send him another email. Then they have to contact Ning, and file a report. Then it can take a little time till Ning responds.

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