I just bought a couple of these from Gitty. When I received them they looked to high on the box. Looking for some pics where these have been installed to get an idea how they look on the top of the box. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
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Finally finished my 1st magnetic pickup build, thanks to all for cheering me on. Simple design as I think all CBG's should be to keep the primitive look. I love the tone with the mag pup. Got them from Gitty and once you guys got me on the right track things turned out. I didn't use the springs and I didn't ground to the pot. The sound is great and I tuned it to two tones EBeb and a 12 bar sounds low and dirty with the high b for 1 string riffs. Thanks again to all who helped...Marcus

I just finished the magnetic pickup install. I followed the wiring diagram. I plugged the box into the amp but when I tapped on the top of the pickup I didn't get a sound. I used the volume knob and I could hear the volume increase. a louder humming sound from the amp. I haven't strung this yet. should I hear a tapping sound ? Here are several pics can you guys spot anything wrong. Thanks...

Nice build, BTW, love the minimal black on brown.
Thanks Ron I wasn't sure about the tapping. Wiring was simple and the connections are good. Thanks for the build comment the black on brown is the effect I was looking for. The box is a 50's vintage from NYC. This was my 1st mag pickup build...Marcus
If you tap the top of the pickup with a small screwdriver and it's working you will get a sound ,
Also you'll need the earth the pot , bend the tag back and solder it to the pot or add a extra earth wire to the tag and solder that to the back of the pot ,
If you have a any testing gear check the pickup and see what k you get , then check the pot , touch the earth to the middle and live to the outside tag and you should a reading of what ever the pot is 500k , 250k if it reads zero move the live to the other tag and you should get a reading , turn the control the other way and it should read back to zero , hope this helps .
simple test marcus ,if you have another guitar,just flip it and space the strings 1/4 or less from new vpup and try that,should register if all o.k.
I stuck this up to give u an idea on how to set up your pick up. Where and how to place it.
Did I read this right - The pick up should float on the springs? Not screwed down tight??
yup, the pup floats on the springs...
huh if you screw it down it comes up ,lol