Is there a forum/group on CB nation dedicated to builders/players networking to find gigging opportunities? I've went through the forums and seen the fest info. I also saw a post for the cbggig site, it doesn't seem to be live - or maybe it requires a sign-up.. Just wondering where all the support of each other happens on here? Maybe a clearinghouse of CBG friendly venues/festivals/acts? I dunno, just throwing it out there to see if it sticks. I greatly appreciate any/all input! C'mon all you performing cbg'ists, gimme the scoop!

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  • Oh hey, back to this topic.  As detailed in the comments, this was my 4th year gigging, and taking my banjo/box guitar bit in front of various people.  Certainly got alot of advice from other gigging folks, about what I need to do to get gigs when I was already getting gigs.  Just no tangible support to speak of, from other folk art instrument enthusiasts...  Of course, I have run across quite a few, isolated folks that are indeed interested in MUTUAL support.  Actually, branched out into 4 more states in the meantime!  Thanks anyway, to everyone for the good general advice pertinent for an individual just getting their feet wet, unfortunately the advice just didn't pertain to my act.  Was kinda looking more for any substantial collective efforts to further a community.  Still looking for such, for anyone so inclined.  Keep on keepin' on, all you fine folks!

  • I plan on posting about gigs and events once they are a couple of weeks out. I've also started using the event option as well (similar to facebook).

    I'm willing to cross promote with anyone in my area looking to share gigs, jam with us, looking for gigs in Buffalo, etc. Most people would just use facebook (as do I). However this site has a very unique membership, one that I thought would dig my band - hence why I advertise here. That and it's where I bought my CBG.

    • Thx for pointing out the event capability! I hadn't even noticed that functionality at my page til you pointed it out. Probably better to use that function for routine bookings, and stick to bigger event types at the events/fests forum, wouldn't wanna clutter up the forum with unnecessary, excessive posts about gigs. Sincerely, thx for pointing that out, don't know how I missed it!
    • Thx @timbre land whiskey! That forum doesn't seem very active, though. I truly appreciate you sharing the link, I'm just looking for something a bit more comprehensive. Thx again, and best wishes to you! - Gary
    • It's not active because no one is posting gigs and such there. Maybe if we start it could become a good tool. If you don't post in there because it's dormant, then it will continue to stay that way. That's all I was getting at.

    • Good point! Let's do that! Thanks again, for your comments, and for the clarification! Whaddya think? Post every booking?
  • The Lord helps them as helps've got to go there by yourself and put yourself about a bit. Well, truth be told, you've got to be prepared to put yourself about a lot...put in the hours and the miles. No one gig or event is going to make it for you, you need to be persistent, determined and hard working. Of course, a lot depends on what you are after..are you just looking for a place to play for fun, some public acclamation or to earn money..or a combination of all three?

    Oh, and by the way...with all due respect to Cigar Box get more gigs you'll you need to cast your net wider, and deal with the real big wide world to really start moving on. CBN is a great forum and super resource, but tends to be a little isolated from the rest of the Wide, Wide World who have never heard or seen a cigar box guitar before. That's where the real fun is to be had...preaching the gospel..and that has to be done face to face, not from behind a computer keyboard.

    • Thx chicken bone john! Been pay gigging out for three years. I know I'll never reach any notoriety, but enjoy performing, and being able to make a bit here & there. I've played all over the state of WV, and am basically trying to branch out to surrounding states, and just figured I'd throw this post up to possibly find any resources in those surrounding states. I am beginning to see, and with all props to CB nation on my part too, that it just may not have a condensed comprehensive resource like I am speaking of. I wondered about starting a new group, to that end, but I have no idea how to do so. Oh, and I hear ya on preaching the "gospel" as well. Just played my first CBG/suitcase drum show this past weekend, had a lot of fun. I am starting to think ya really gotta find a unique venue for CBG, as folks tend to look down their nose at the CBG. The whole pretentious, "I play a $2000 Gibson" deal... Anywho, enter me starting this discussion in an attempt to engage some folks in a conversation, and toss some ideas about. Your input is greatly appreciated! - Gary
  • Hi-perhaps I can help a little-basically the way I got going gig wise was via youtube videos-so if you haven't already, put up some vids-if peeps dig it then they get in touch and ask you to play a gig-that leads onto some other dude asking you to play another gig, then some guy out in Belgium asks you to play a festival, and so it goes..odlly enough, I've never actively sought out a gig-just put yer stuff out there-on cbn/youtube/facebook..thats all I did.

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