Hey Guys and Gals!

You havent seen much of me lately because I've been pushing on the job hunt for a while now.Well, the hard work paid off and I received an offer! Now here is the kicker - being a cigar box instrument builder had a part in me nailing this job. I have been noting my hobby in the personal interests section of my resume, but this was the first time I noted it in my cover letter. Since my background is in architectural project management, and I always bring a portfolio to interviews, I included a few pages about my builds. This job is a PM role with a cabinet shop, so I figured they may appreciate this stuff, well they sure did!

So, I thought it would be good to share this, since I doubt I'm not the only member of the nation dealing with this these days. The general "wisdom" is that employers are not interested in your off hour activities, I suppose this is true if you spend all your free time watching TV and playing video games. But we are a bit different, we actually make stuff, and that is rarer than you may think. Use your builds to demonstrate your creativity, inventiveness, attention to detail and craftsmanship - these are all virtues that employers are looking for. The job market is so competitive these days, anything that sets you apart will give you an edge. Don't be afraid to show some personality!

Happy hunting!

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  • Congrates Andy, putting feet to prayers always works out right. That is very sound advice about listing your "hobby." And if you get others involved even better. Play on.
  •           Glad to hear about your new job and the boss liked your side hobby. Maybe that will work for me as well :).


  • Very cool andy i'm real pleased for you mate :)

    yes like you said we all seem to take it for granted that everyone make things well the truth is they don't you only have to look at peoples reactions when they ask you - where did you get it from ? ...well i made it ! - this brings a smile to my face every time :) - so i guess if your going for a Construction Job we are streets ahead of the everyday joe !

    good luck with the job mate


    juju :)

  • Congrats!


    Over the years I've been through a pile of resumes taller than me.  I get rather callous when going through them so anything that sticks out is helpful in initial screening.  I always have respect for people who can make things, worked construction, or grew up on a farm. . . .and I'm not employing anyone to do anything remotely close to that.  I also recommend listing any interesting hobbies other than nose weevil mining and the like.   Glad it worked out for you.

  • Congratulations Andy! Very slick. Enjoy.
  • Congrats Andy! Your comment encourages me to point out my interest in building instruments as well. Better than letting them assume I watched TV for two years now..
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