Hi all. Been lurking here for some time. Lots of good info here, good discussion and good people. So thanks!
I've been building for about 9 months no. Have about a dozen or so under my belt. I started with the license plate guitar on Make dot com and learned a lot from that first one... like raising the neck over the sound board (face of the guitar)... but she's a good guitar nonetheless. Just have to play it with a slide...
I made a lot of acoustic guitars with piezo pickups. Below is the one I made for my wife...
I've moved back to the electric ones again. I made my own pickup and installed it in the latest guitar...
I'm in the process of winding another handmade pickup and thinking of a good tool to help the winding process at the same time. I'm doing my own fret work, wiring, etc... I've even sold 2 acoustic guitars locally on craigslist. I enjoy building them and I need to do something with them now that I've reached 100% saturation in the house. I've given one to my dad, one to a neighbor who's let me use a few tools.
I've been using how-to CDs from Keni Lee Burgess. I can play 3 songs now... Yay!
Thanks for looking.
Cool headstock, yes? I really like how those came out.
The license plate guitar headstock is red and white veneer applied to represent the stripes on the flag. If I did it again, I'd do two stripes of each. Was going for the red/white/blue theme like the license plate. My neighbor makes custom pool ques and I got the red and white pieces from him.
The Flor de Antilles guitar headstock uses the label from inside the guitar box lid, which I got of in one piece. I used spray adhesive to apply it to the headstock after staining and before polyacrylic clear. I did another like this more recently and wrapped the label all the way around leaving a seam down the middle of the back of the headstock... instead of just applied to the front.
The Padilla (lion) is a little different process. I couldn't find a good image to use on the headstock so I printed one from the internet onto photo paper. The I used the same spray adhesive process to attach it to the headstock. Once applied, I trimmed it with a razor. The photo paper leaves a white edge (the thickness of the paper... but visible) so I used a permanent marker on this one to hide the edges... I used black stain on the one I'm working on now, which is another Padilla but the headstock image is a large lion head (looks great so far!).
I like the headstocks like this... I haven't seen any other like it so it's something I can do to set mine apart and make them even more unique.
Thanks for looking!
Thank you sir. The amp is supposed to be 7watts (board came from china). Is definitely louder than the 1 watt amp I built. A secret... the box was too small so I had to angle the speaker and put the battery on the inside of the lid (which you cannot see behind the overlaid photo).
Looking good. I suggest you keep building em.
Thank you and I will... I have another electric CBG being built in the garage right now. I'm very intrigued about the build process and the almost unlimited possibilities around the build process. I expect I'll be building for a long time. :)
Thanks Ron.
I'm open to suggestions to make my builds better... if anyone has a suggestion.
They seem to be evolving very well. Can't believe you've been making them 9 months and never shared them before.
Also - it was a MAKE article that got me started as well, the 'Cake Pan Ukulele'.
Good luck and welcome!
Didn't see the cake pan Uke one. Will go look for that.