Fingerboard question

I am currently building a 4 string cbg with a precision bass pickup. I intend to try a bolt on neck so as to be able to adjust the angle easily for a good action. My question is if I am using a seperate fingerboard and want it to overlap on the cigar box, how do i make it nice and neat? ie if I have an angle on the neck then the overlapping part of the fingerboard will also be at an angle to the top of the box Any help appreciated!

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  • That, to me, is especially hard if you have a box with a sloping lid. A nice square box is easier to line up a fingerboard on.

    You kind of have to get the neck angle set first, otherwise you end up with a space under the fretboard, right?
    You may have to adjust the action with the bridge instead of the neck angle.
  • Cut a recess out of the box lid, and have the fingerboard glued flush with the neck into that recess? That would be my solution.
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