I've been working behind-the-scenes to get the Cigar Box Guitar Museum revamped next week.  One thing I had on my list was to place a huge Speal's Tavern sign on the wall behind the stage.  (Right now, there are two cigar box guitars on that wall...and they frequently get covered up with signs for performing bands or upcoming specials.  To me, the walls are sacred and shouldn't have any guitars covered up.)

Well, I was discussing some design ideas for the sign when I was contacted by Wray Bassett, a fellow CBG'er just 5 miles down the road from me.  Wray owns Graphic ID sign company.  He said he'd help me tweak my sign if I would help him set up his CBG. 

Well, I went over there today and hung out.  Not only did he help me with the design for the sign, he actually cut out a professional stencil for me to use as I paint the sign.  THANKS WRAY!

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  •  Is the museum open anytime the bar is?  I have to check it out some weekend only live 15 miles away .And had my first(legal) beer there when my car broke down  34 years ago   lol


  • I'll have a drink to that !  :)

  • That's great Shane this is what it's all about, helping each other out.   Looking forward to "seeing" round the revamped museum! (-:

  • Lookin good...

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