Earthly Issues

Wonder if someone can shed a little light for me... Im building a twin neck cbg which features a diddly bow top neck and 4 string bottom neck. Each will have its own mag pup wired thru a 3 way switch (git only, diddly only, or both - for the more adventurous player!) and a universal tone and volume. Do I need to run an earth to both necks? I assume if I just earth the 4 strings on the guitar bit, when Im playing the diddly there will be no earthing in effect?? Seems no trouble to run an earth from the back of the pot to each neck, but im not one for doing extra work if it can be avoided! Thanks!

twin neck 002.jpg

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  • THIS should settle the "earthly" issue all right...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  • I'm curious about this too, I have a humbucker and it only has one wire coming out of it..

  • Pardon my ignorance, but I'm intrigued by your idea. I thought about building something similar. But...what's an "earth"? Are you talking about a ground wire or something?

    Oh, actually, as I scrolled down to send this, I see my instincts were right. You were talking about a ground wire.

    MY question is how does one "ground" the wire?
  • I definately dont want to have any of that old trouble! Seems easiest thing to do would be use a single bridge running right across the box for both necks, and then to ground that...
    Il see how it looks asthetically
    Thanks people of the revolution :o)
  • yep ground both bridges or else you get humming maximus nerveraximus.

    Randy Rooster (Ben) said:
    Um, I thought NOT being well grounded was a prerequisite of being here at the nation??? Lol

    Rightio, ground everything. Thanks fellas :o)
  • Um, I thought NOT being well grounded was a prerequisite of being here at the nation??? Lol

    Rightio, ground everything. Thanks fellas :o)
  • Quoth well Mort!

    Mortimer Snerd said:
    One should be well grounded in all earthly issues. I know,,, that was bad,,,
  • One should be well grounded in all earthly issues. I know,,, that was bad,,,
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