
  • I've replaced everything but the jack socket and now it's fine, I didn't bother with faultfinding,lazy man that I am ..thanks for the input. guys

    • Including the pickup?

  • It's not my pup is it Jabes? :-0
    Pick's advice is good. Last time I had something like that I think I'd accidentally sent the signal straight to ground... although that was more just a loud buzz and no impact at all from plucking strings etc!
    • no Richey,your pup is as sweet and warm as a ..err pup, ;) 

  • make sure   no  wires   or  solder    is  arching onto  other    parts  of the  pots   .( check  cap  wire on the tone   for touching something too.)

    if all looks  good   ,,  disconnect  pots  and  wire the pup   straight to  jack .

      if its still  muffled  ,,    it may be  the  pup.  

     if it   works  fine  (besides   the usual  earthing  buzz) ,   then replace the pot  .

    • Cheers Pick, i was trying to avoid opening it up as it's a bit involved. anyway i've a festival this w/end and was hoping to flog it there,Better get to it then..If i have to replace the lot it's not gonna take too long....still a drag tho'never had a problem before,won't know til i have a 306281547?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024look..

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