I bought a Dunlop glass slide and it fits over the whole finger. I would like to cut it in half and just use it on the end of my ring finger. Is it possible to just score it all the way around and tap it to break in half????

It is tempered glass and feels very good but just too long for me.

I do have a dremel drill with lots of different bits to grind or score it. I've never cut any glass before but don't think it would be hard to do. Just don't want to ruin it before I can use it. It says the wall is 2mm thick.


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  • Hey Richard,

    Hope that works out for you. That glass cutting thing was tricky for me, but I did get a few right. I figured out a good way to smooth the edge, when I finally got one cut right.  I got a sanding drum assortment from Harbor Freight. The small one will slip into the end of the bottle (wine) neck. (Without the sanding drum, just the rubber part) When tightened up in the bottle neck, it will hold it straight. Chuck it up in your drill and spin it up. Use some emery paper lightly on the cut end, and it will come out smooth as a factory model. (Wear gloves and safety glasses of course, just in case) Keep using the emery paper and checking the end, till you are satisfied with the finish. I use a three set diamond hone set, like for sharpening knives, that works good too. Will work good dry or wet with a little water. Go light on the pressure cause the end will be sharp as a scalpel when you start out. It will get the job done in a jiffy. I like the straighter bottle necks, but a little taper is ok too.

    Best of luck, Steve

    • Thanks Steve

      I haven't had time to try anything out yet. Been busy making a CB bass and next is another lap steel. If I try to cut a bottle, I'll have to find a source for wine bottles or beer bottles. I don't drink any of those. I can see where the straight neck would be a little better but don't know until I can cut and play with one. Going to go to the vape store this week and check them out also.

      I have a good thought about results from building CBG's. I am going to record all the instruments on one song track. It sounds like fun doing something like this. I use Audacity to record to. If it turns out good, I'll post the song on here. I haven't tried video so I would be lost on that end.



    • Hey Richard,

      Good deal my friend. If you guys recycle in your area, check out your neighbors on trash day. There are some folks up the road that imbibe quite a bit, and they have a load of glass EVERY week. They are a great source. They might be a really big family, or a small bunch of drunks. Hard to tell. Hehe. I've tried most of those glass cutting methods. Best results I got was with a Dremel with a cut off wheel. Run around it lightly. Might break straight, might not. I have cut around and around lightly, and actually just cut the thing off. Still sketchy. I just can't seem to get the hang of an actual glass cutter. Go figure. Good luck with the recording. I can't play guitar worth a damn, but I can build em' pretty good.  At least my dog don't "sing along" with guitar like he does when I attempt to play harmonica. Music critic.

      Peace, Steve

    • My dog just sits at my feet when I'm playing and falls asleep. That tells me I'm either hitting the right notes or it ain't worth listening too. LOL I play the pedal steel ( have 3 of them) and really enjoy the recording part. I use Audacity to record a song. I have Band in a box and find the right drum beats and maybe bass and transfer that to the program, then I can loop a 4 or 6 bar and then record my playing to it. Then if I hit everything right I can add it to the track. Keep looping every 4 bars until I finish the song and then I can burn a CD from it. I've thought about putting something on here but don't know how to add it to the music section. All my songs are from present and past singers and don't know if copyrights are held off for the songs put on here. I don't care to be sued for copyright laws.I'll let you know if I succeed in the glass cutting.


  • Hey Richard,

    Go to a Vape store. They sell replacement Pyrex glass tubes for vape rigs. They come in different colors, are about 1 and 3/8" long, about 3/4" inside diameter. They come in a few different inside diameters to fit different vape tanks. So tell the guy what you are trying to do, and they will probably think it's a pretty cool idea. They cost around $3 to $5 and work like a champ. I have made a few from wine bottle necks with varying degrees of success. Very fiddly and difficult to get smooth enough and make it look good. I don't think I would mess with trying to cut the one you have in two. Probably a 50-50 chance it will break. C.B. Gitty sells stubby slides with very similar measurements for $3.99, and they come with a piece of self-adhesive faux moleskin to help size it to your finger size. These are really good, but I'm not sure about colors. Glass has not been very predictable, at least not for me. Good luck, and be safe.


    • Thanks Steve

      I'll check that out. There are a few close to me and that might be the answer. If not, I'll probably order from Gitty.


  • NO don't Do it!    what i learned for doing it whit a wine bottle, you measure your size  then take a stong piece of rope dont use nylon, tigh it on the spot real tight circling the bottle only two times, soak it in a burning liqued ,wipe of the exces from the glass so only the rope will burn, light it , let it burn out, Now a fjew things can happen or the glass pops and breaks at the spot or it just cracks, if so you help it along by tapping it gently. and then sand down the edge on a flat surface whit fine waterproof sanding paper, it helps by rolling the bottle so the flame don't stay on one spot , and it can crack on a place besides the rope, you can  use a glass cutter as well but thats a entirely diverend story, Bee careful using these instructions, protect eyes at all times, don't proseed in the presents of children and animals, keep clear of other flammeble material  and use your common sens doing it, Take Care & Good luck !! if you dont succeed whit one bottle try again till you do!  

    • Does that mean if it doesn't work the first time I can drink another beer and do it again. LOL,LOL

      MIght have to get drunk before I get one right.


    • I have see ladies on Youtube do it this way.,,.after the flame goes out they emerse the bottle neck in ice water.,.,,.they make it look soo easy.,.,I score with a glass cutter then use one pot of boiling water and one pot of ice water.,.,wear safety glasses.,.,works great.,.,

    • Thanks Andries

      At one point in thinking about this, I thought maybe scoring the glass and then taking a propane torch and heating it all around the score mark and then tap it but  I decided to wait and see how others might do it. It didn't cost that much and even if I break it, it wouldn't matter since it is very uncomfortable to play with. I think I have arthritis in my left wrist and it is very uncomfortable using anything other than a short end of finger slide

      Maybe if I score it and wrap cotton thread around the score mark. How's that idea sound.?????



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