Hi I have been making a cigar box guitar. I have made it like a proper guitar. Ie, dovetailed neck joint, truss rodded neck, ebony fretboard, spruced x bracing etc. I want to sand the box down to thin soundboard & take out knocks & chips etc. I really don't want to lose the name logo & print on the box but I really want to refinishbit properly. Does anyone know if I can get the logo etc on transfers or stickers?

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  • Thanks for your replies. I was mainly wanting to strip the box & sand out marks etc & refinish it using tro oil gunstock finish so the finish is really nice. I may even just samd around the logo yet.
  • I think the message is to be careful using logos isn't it.  Some companies will be cool about it and some won't.  I rather niavely emailed pics of a Jack Daniels build I did to the company, they liked it though (I think I was hoping for free whisky lol).

  • i,ve done 3 cohibas,,they are surprisingly loud accoustically,i thinned 1 and if anything,was a bit duller

  • no need to thin down the soundboard - i've found thick ones sound just as good and help keep the whole box rigid, the whole box should resonate with a firm mounting for the bridge which shouldn't bend (-:

  • Well seems to me ur not gonna thin from inside if you've already x braced the top....

    They're not gonna give two shits... There's a huge difference between reproducing their graphics to bootleg cigars and reproducing it to relabel a genuine box for a guitar. They are in the cigar business, not the guitar business. Similarly I can paint coke a cola on the side of my car and they'll love me for it. But if I put it on a can of pop....

    Now all that said, how close do you really think you can get it to how it looks now, and how much volume will you win by sanding the top a few mm thinner?
    I'd just leave it.
    • Well..maybe nobody is going to get chased down by Cohiba...but big businesses are VERY careful about seeing their logos bootlegged...and they REALLY don't like unfranchised and unauthorised versions of their logo being used...ANYWHERE. Chances are nobody will get dragged through the courts...but it has happened..court cases, cease and desist orders..big corporations do give rather more than two shits..oh yes. If it came to their attention, chances are  they'd nail you..it's just that the chances of if appearing on their radar is very low.  As far as companies are concerned, their logo is their property, no matter where it appears...with a protected trademark.. they protect it...whether it's on a knock-off product, a teeshirt, bumper sticker or wherever.

      Nothing to do with guitars..but all to do with the real big bad world.

      • yep....big brother is watching! (-8

        • Well.....
          He wants to relabel a box that was originally from them.
          Like making a replacement fender decal for a refinished neck that really is a fender...
          I doubt they'd have all that much of a case
  • Cohiba is a heavily protected brand..being a luxury product, Cohiba cigars and their boxes and contents are often faked...so copying or downloading their logos isn't exactly legal. Thin the box from the inside if you want to retain the graphics.

  • Cop an image of one off the InterWeb, print it on transfer paper, iron on. The anonymous pick did that with my custom "Enchantress" SwampWitch and an old cigar box label. It looks fab.
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