
  • Hi BeetleJuice ... thanks for the heads up! The Hobo King Standard Cigar Box Guitar is made by luthier Pinecone Fletcher.

    Here are a few links of him performing live (Rivera Amps / NAMM 2014) and Steve Vai's GuitarTV (Interview discussing guitar build). (Rivera Amps / NAMM 2014) (GuitarTV)

  •  .

  • I'm ok with diversity. Besides, as it said in the article, Will has some "more real" CBGs, too.
  • Well this page surprised me when I saw it up there, because I would never expect a guitar mag to feature what we do.. They are far too dependent on their advertising dollars and there's no way their advertisers want the readers knowing they can make their own. Sure enuff, nothing to do with us and what we do. I like will ray tho, he's awesome
  • Blashemy :-(

  • Huh.  Seems like cheating.   Tempts me to cheat.   Too many strings.   Could put a cigar box top on the top, like Slowpaw said.   Could do the hinge thing like Clock said. 

    Hmm.  Too many strings.  Could make it a 3 or 4 string...  but then why not build it from scratch.

    Guess it's kind of homage to our thing.  If you think you need six strings and your not a master builder.   Then maybe go this route.

  •    He forgot the fake hinges and clasp!

  •    He forgot to cut the neck to make it look like a broken broom handle...

  • If id ever do anything like that id have to kill myself, I guess they well never get it

  • wouldn't take a lot of work to fit the sawed square guitar body into a cigar box - now a CBG! (-:

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