I have inherited an ancient british made Hifi system. I was wondering if I could play a CBG through the amp's split combine mic jacks( the red and black labelled RCA inputs). What may kill it is that the speakers are delicate, so using a regular amp head is probably out and a little away from the idea of using this good sounding valve( vacuum tube to US readers) amp. Everything works and the system has sentimental value so I don't want to destroy it. What do I need to consider? Many thanks from Bill.

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  • Have played my CBG's through my 1970's Pioneer SX-434 receiver without any problems

    • Hmm, not sure what to do. The speaker has its own power cable, so maybe a little preamp like above would run things okay? I presume any parts added like jacks need to be grounded to the volume pot as well?
      All the best from Bill. :D
    • When in doubt stop and think one step at a time.

      Q: Do I need a separate preamp?

      A: HiFi system has microphone inputs so the answer is no.

      Q: Will this particular HIFi handle direct input from a CBG?

      A: Depends on the type of mic it's designed to accommodate. Research the system specs to determine    answer. (Chances are the HiFi was designed for dynamic mic input so the answer is likely to be yes.)

      Q: Are guitar amps and HiFi amps entirely different animals?

      A: Well one is portable.

      Q: Will plugging a guitar directly into a HiFi system "blow it".

      A: Depends on how much liquor has been supplied beforehand. Again research the particular HiFi system. I owned an old Westinghouse console system that had an input labeled "instrument", same input worked with dynamic mics also.

      Q: Should I add a jack or other parts to a cherished vintage HiFi system? F*** NO!

      A: Make a cable with guitar plug on one end and RCA plug on the other.

      Q: Should I be concerned about the old paper speakers?

      A: Somewhat, make certain not to overdrive them and keep a bit of varnish on hand to repair tears should any occur. Knick the wife's nail polish in emergency, comes with it's own little application brush.

      Basically use a common sense approach: don't buy anything or make alterations until the background research has been done.

    • Thanks Robert that's very helpful.
    • Not a problem.

      If you have difficulty finding the specs on your HiFi I'll help search. Post the brand, model number, serial number if applicable, and a photo of the HiFi.

  • guitar amp technology and hifi technology are completely different animals - don't attempt to play your guitar directly into the hifi amp otherwise you'll "blow" it, you could run the guitar into your computer using a suitable unit then run a line out from your soundcard into the amp as an "aux", but keep the levels well down ..

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