
  • Bruce;
    I just finished this one, very simple to build, since I knew diddly I still needed some help form this forum but got it together, might be the way to go for a first time build. I kept looking at kits and such, but this was cheap and all I had to do was connect the wires, which was where the help came in. Cheers Ron.
  • Bruce, I just built a cigar box amp from guitar fuel. They provided everything but the box. No soldering, easy, speaker and speaker cloth included for about $35.00 on ebay. Sound is good and volume is surprisingly good.

    This should be the site:

    Here is a video of me using the amp. Good wishes.

  • A lot of Mini amp information is in the "it goes to 11" group. Go to the community tab above and select groups and look for it. Theres a lot of amp and amp building info there.

    And this should help you too. Ruby Amps
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