My #4 build is complete!
Maple neck, Rosewood fretboard, inlay dots (my first try at these), and some extra woodburnin'.
This was a gift to my sister-in-law who is a music teacher and plays guitar. She said she would have to take time and try to figure it out. A couple of days later she was playing some songs that she wrote on it, and it sounds GREAT!!! I'm going to see if she'll record some stuff with it, and I'll try to put it on here somehow.
For the writing and design, I just printed it out onto regular paper and used carbon paper to transfer it to the box. My woodburning pen/tool is just a cheap one, but it does have different tips that I can screw into it. I use the finest pointed tip that i have and burn it on just tracing the lines. With that cheap pen/tool you have to really go slow and not put too much pressure or it will kind of dig in and burn a darker/deeper hole in your line. Basically just take your time. When I'm done burning, I very lightly sand it. That seems to make it look a little cleaner, or more defined.
Hope this helps!
tal bluver said:
thats a good job!
how did you learn to burn like this?
Love the look of that box and the neck is just right for it, very slick for sure.
Cheers Ron.