
  • I just saw some black picture wire at walmart. it was the perfect size for frets.
  • Hi could you not just heat till its red hot then bung it in some oil it would probabley go blue as it happens doh:)
  • Hey Gitty, Im needing some black fretwire too if you know where to find some.....
  • There ya go, Randy. I actually bought buffalo horn to make nuts and it worked pretty well. Didn't even occur to me to make frets.
  • Okay, so I assume gun blue is sold in gun shops? Can't I just go to a black fretwire store? :^)
  • use gun blue see if it will work , you may have to sand the wire first but i'm betting it'll turn almost black
  • DUH! I knew I missed the answer Thanks Mike

    Michael Gajeski said:
    with magic ;D

    Tracy Kennedy said:
    Although Powder Coat is chip resistant it would eventually wear. Typically PC aplication is about 3mil thick. Another problem is generally we cut our fret wire long and file the bevel, flatten the tops for level and recrown. How are you going to do all that with a PC finish without exposing the nickel?

    Michael Gajeski said:
    maybe there is some way to powder coat normal fretwire, i bet that would hold up.
  • with magic ;D

    Tracy Kennedy said:
    Although Powder Coat is chip resistant it would eventually wear. Typically PC aplication is about 3mil thick. Another problem is generally we cut our fret wire long and file the bevel, flatten the tops for level and recrown. How are you going to do all that with a PC finish without exposing the nickel?

    Michael Gajeski said:
    maybe there is some way to powder coat normal fretwire, i bet that would hold up.
  • Although Powder Coat is chip resistant it would eventually wear. Typically PC aplication is about 3mil thick. Another problem is generally we cut our fret wire long and file the bevel, flatten the tops for level and recrown. How are you going to do all that with a PC finish without exposing the nickel?

    Michael Gajeski said:
    maybe there is some way to powder coat normal fretwire, i bet that would hold up.
  • You might try black annealed wire. It comes in a lot of different gauges. I got some 18# at my local lumber yard.
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