i have gone to pretty much every local cigar shop in my area. i get some boxes but they usually aren't very big at all. also, when i look on ebay  i dont really find anything either does anyone know where i can find bigger boxes that are actually made out of wood? 

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  • If you look in my pics, I have a 17" mahogany box! they are out there you just have to keep looking!

    joel allen cvitanich said:
    the biggest box i have ever found is 10 inches long and just under 7 inches wide

    Christopher Call said:
    I have already done this at a local NEW smoke shop! It seems to be working out great so far. I left a deposit on each box I wanted and she placed a small sticky note on the top of the lid reserving it for me!!!!!!!

    MichaelS said:
    How big is big? What size box's have you been getting. Next time you get the emptys take a look at the box's with cigars left in them, maybe they will hold one for you if you see some better ones.
  • I just got a Cuesta Del Rey display box off of eBay for 14. USD.

    It goes inside a walk-in humidor, on a shelf, originally. Pretty vintage - I bet 40 years old. Like a CB on steroids, it measures 17"x9"x3".

    You see, I am building a 30" short-scale Cigar Box Bass. Sticking a piezo with bass preamp in it, too.
  • I've found that I cant depend on the local cigarshops to keep me stocked.When I 1st started building I'd go to the shop in the MALL where I work and get whatever they had.That lasted for a while but now days they dont sell as many cigars as I'm selling CBG's
    So I either had to build fewer CBG's ( not an option)less CBG's =Less money) , or find another supplier.
    And I have to say that if I wasnt already married and Lori wasnt married, I'd marry the girl with the most boxes LOL
    Thats LORI W.!
    The only other cigar shop in town thinks all her boxes are made out of GOLD, and has the attitude to match,,,,,
    Example,,Last year when I tried her shop I asked if she'd be interested in having 1 of my CBG's on display,her response was that " I could bring one of my best one's by and she'd decide if it was good enough"
    A month later I went back and explained to her that I cant display in her shop because " she doesnt get enough business to justify me leaving 1 of my pieces where such a low number of people would see it,",,,,,,,,
    Did I ever mention that I have somewhat of a temper too?
  • That sounds like a good size, how deep is it, that is sometimes more important for sound quality. My Munimaker box is smaller than that. Its about 5 or 6 by 8 inches.

    joel allen cvitanich said:
    the biggest box i have ever found is 10 inches long and just under 7 inches wide

    Christopher Call said:
    I have already done this at a local NEW smoke shop! It seems to be working out great so far. I left a deposit on each box I wanted and she placed a small sticky note on the top of the lid reserving it for me!!!!!!!

    MichaelS said:
    How big is big? What size box's have you been getting. Next time you get the emptys take a look at the box's with cigars left in them, maybe they will hold one for you if you see some better ones.
  • the biggest box i have ever found is 10 inches long and just under 7 inches wide

    Christopher Call said:
    I have already done this at a local NEW smoke shop! It seems to be working out great so far. I left a deposit on each box I wanted and she placed a small sticky note on the top of the lid reserving it for me!!!!!!!

    MichaelS said:
    How big is big? What size box's have you been getting. Next time you get the emptys take a look at the box's with cigars left in them, maybe they will hold one for you if you see some better ones.
  • J&R (local NC reseller) says that most of their supply comes in bulk. They simply keep them conditioned and put a smaller quantity out. Most of the boxes they have available are from makers that don't ship in bulk.

    My best luck comes from from the smaller stores (local mom/pop shops or smaller local chains).


    Mark Werner said:
    I've noticed that the local supply of larger boxes is getting pretty difficult. Almost two years ago, I quickly found a large Casa Blanca box that I used for my resonator. Since then, I've had a hard time and had to buy a box from one of our advertising suppliers for my "solid-body" electric.
    A couple of the local cigar stores have told me that the manufacturers are trying to save money by just having the dealers re-fill the "quality" boxes instead of sending out a new box each time.
    I have had my name on a "waiting list" for a couple of Cohiba boxes for over a year now...No calls.
  • I have already done this at a local NEW smoke shop! It seems to be working out great so far. I left a deposit on each box I wanted and she placed a small sticky note on the top of the lid reserving it for me!!!!!!!

    MichaelS said:
    How big is big? What size box's have you been getting. Next time you get the emptys take a look at the box's with cigars left in them, maybe they will hold one for you if you see some better ones.
  • I passed on a Cohiba the other day, took 3 Macanudos instead. Still wonder how big is big enough?
  • I've noticed that the local supply of larger boxes is getting pretty difficult. Almost two years ago, I quickly found a large Casa Blanca box that I used for my resonator. Since then, I've had a hard time and had to buy a box from one of our advertising suppliers for my "solid-body" electric.
    A couple of the local cigar stores have told me that the manufacturers are trying to save money by just having the dealers re-fill the "quality" boxes instead of sending out a new box each time.
    I have had my name on a "waiting list" for a couple of Cohiba boxes for over a year now...No calls.
  • GREAT Suggestion! Brilliant.


    MichaelS said:
    How big is big? What size box's have you been getting. Next time you get the emptys take a look at the box's with cigars left in them, maybe they will hold one for you if you see some better ones.
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