Hello all,

My sister goes to Nicaragua where 'gars are cheap. Any boxes from there that are particularly good for CBG's? Her boyfriend moved down there and she goes a couple times a year and he comes up here. I figured if you folks know boxes that are good from Nicaragua I could get them to keep an eye out for some to bring up.....maybe even a full one or two!!! ;p

Thanks for the advise!


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  • Any Padron is a good Padron. 3000 and 5000 are decent too, 2000 sound good but seem smallish. Beetle is right the 4000 is a great box. 

  • best boxes????? hands down by far ....a "Padron 4000" OR close 2nd, a Padron Chruchhill.


    its the cat's meow......and the lion's roar!

  • Thanks Rand. I figured good size ones will be a good find.

    I should ad to my original post that pics, if you have some, of the boxes/tops would be great too. I can print them out and make it easier for them to be spotted.

    Thanks again,


  • Hi Bert,

    The boxes I prefer are all made of wood with minimal or no glued-on paper artwork (dampens the sound), with box joined corners (aka finger joints), with large as possible length, width and depth dimension and thin top (lid) and bottom. I like prettier the wood and wood finishes with no scratches, dings, or material defects. I also prefer the kind of box where the lid has sides (i.e. after building the box, they cut it with a band saw to form the lid with edges (lid sides) about 1/2 to 3/4 inches tall"). With these, the neck can be mounted to the lid of the box so the box can still be opened when the build is done. If the neck is mounted to the bottom side of the box, it can't be opened once the instrument has been strung up (not w/o re-stringing the instrument). Generally, the larger the box and the thinner the sound board and back board, the louder the instrument will be without resorting to electronic amplification. I don't really pick boxes based on brand names or how pretty the artwork on the box may be. Good luck with your box hunting.


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