Anonymous Pick

Does anyone else miss Pick? As some know I was his biggest fan/ supporter. I have the record for most Swampwitches owned by a single person. Pick and I were buds and not all of it was sunshine and cherries. We've had clashes and arguments etc. Beyond all that was a good friendship and a great person who will be loved and missed. Pick had reinvented the guitar and had a definite sound. Whenever I heard a video or audio of Pick, I knew it was him unmistakably. Besides the art the one thing I found most fascinating about Swampwitches were the pickups. Swampwitch pickups did not need a ground. I wanted to know how he did it. Not for his sound but for the safety element of not having a string ground therefore not having a shock hazard. When I was younger in our basement which had a bare floor when I would grab my brother's guitar which was plugged in even with the amp off but plugged in, If I didn't have any shoes on, I would get shocked. His sound was great but a lot of that came from the Line 6 amp IMO. He would roll over in his grave if he knew this. I bought The Woodpicker guitar from him. It had 3 Swampwitch pickups and actual volume and tone knobs with a 5 way switch that was not wired conventionally. One day something failed and I didn't know if I'd get it to work again so I wired 2 of the pickups straight to the jack and took the middle one out and put that in my Strat. If you go to the Weebly Swampwitch page it says to contact Gitty for any orders. Well it's not active and from what I got from his last message to Cigar Box Nation that's not what he was going for. I would still buy the strings and even more witches if they were available... If anyone has any stories about Swampwitches, Pick or what they meant to you I would love for you to share. I can say what I thought he did to treat his pickups and also something I found on accident to make your guitar sound great without a string ground. 

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  • He is missed! 

  • Missed, and I do think about him from time to time. One of a kind, and a great talent. When I expressed intrest in his builds he said he would offer me a payment plan. Cherished.

  •  Dave was a very special man. He had a way of making you feel like you were a special friend and that you mattered to him very much. My wife and I loved him and the art that we were given by him. we miss him as well.

  • Poorness Studios, I miss Dave as well. He was a builder's builder and a player's player. Dave bought the first guitar from me when no one else would and I had no idea what the sales side of cbg's were like. Was a dark time in life and Dave's kindness brightened it up. Dave is and will surely be missed by many. Every time he sent me a slide or wrote a letter he would include his famous art which I kept every one he sent.



    My only adopted guitar. I sure do miss A.P. I agree with him the secret to the SW is that little humbucker. he never would tell me were he got them or who made them.


    • That's a beaut, RTZ..

    • That sure is. It's amazing. I know for sure they are Artec pickups. At least the one that came in the Rat Rod Swampwitch. I used to have the product number written down. 

  • I miss Anonymous Pick, Dave Lynas, and some others who are no longer with us. Sad.

  •  I learned a lot from Pick. He was always very friendly and respectful to me. Was saving up the coin and had told him to expect an order from me in the near future. Alas, it was not to be. 

    So, long story short, yes, I miss him. I'm sure there are others.

    • Southern Ray there's a possibility still that you could get one from Gitty in the future. I might just send you one of mine. 

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