Just getting some stuff together to start my first build. I have access to a large variety of wooden cigar boxs and woods for the neck. I want to "electrfiy" my CBG , probably with the piezo method on my first build.
1)Would a box that is made of thin wood be better for this or thick wood? What would be an ideal dimension for the box? I assume thinner wood would vibrate better transfering energy to the pieze more effeciently, but I am a newbie, so I would like some input.
2)Also, regarding wood for the neck, why is poplar wood usually suggested? Seems like oak would be less likely to bow. Not going to put frets on my first build.
3)Where is the best place to pick up inexpensive tuning machines?
Thanks for any advise. Look forward to joing this community. Already can tell this is going to be addictive!
J Reed
Poplar is generally recomended cause it s the cheapest hardwood most commonly available Second choice Oak and 3rd choice Maple. All 3 choices can be found at Lowes and Home Depot.
I source my tuners for about $6.50 for PING Presision 3 on plate design from my local Buddy Roger's Music store. Here soon C.B. Gitty will be stocking a supply of individual open gear tuners for about $10 for 6 tuners. I believe he will supply them will ferruls and mounting screws as well or available seperately.
Hardwood is wood from angiosperm trees (more strictly speaking non-monocot angiosperm trees). It may also be used for those trees themselves: these are usually broad-leaved; in temperate and boreal latitudes they are mostly deciduous, but in tropics and subtropics mostly evergreen.
Hardwood contrasts with softwood which comes from conifer trees, which usually are not broad-leaved. Hardwoods are not necessarily harder than softwoods. In both groups there is an enormous variation in actual wood hardness, with the range in density in hardwoods completely including that of softwoods; some hardwoods (e.g. balsa) are softer than most softwoods, while yew is an example of a hard softwood. The hardest hardwoods are much harder than any softwood. There are about a hundred times as many hardwoods as softwoods.
I never considered screwing the neck in place but may give that a shot in the future.
Jack Reed said:
Jack Reed said:
Got me a set of those inexpesive machine heads tonite too!
Matt, why was glueing the neck to the underside of the box a mistake? I was under the impression this would more effectively conduct vibration to the box, thereby amplifing the sound and exciting the pickup better.
Also , what do you guys use for a good nut and bridge? I would like to use something besides a bolt for asethetic(sp?) reasons.
A couple thoughts based on my first build - as they say pretty much anything goes. I looked at a lot of different styles and configurations and kind of built it in my head before starting. One mistake I made on the uke was I glued the entire length of the neck to the underside of the box lid. After stringing it up I realized my mistake and made the adjustment on my current build. I can't comment on box size or wood thickness as I don't have enough experience in the area. You mentioned you aren't installing frets but don't be hesitant to install frets. The first time around was a little hairy but I finished the latest fretwork today and it went much better.
Oh and noisemaker - thanks for the link to those tuning keys! I was looking for something similar earlier today and came up empty. I just ordered some.
Noisemaker said:
1) For me, I like the thin wood type boxes when doing acoustic only and piezo equipped. Ideal dimension...since there are NO RULES! here, it's up to you. I like some that are around 9 1/2" x 7" x 1 3/4"...give or take a little.
2) I think poplar is suggested as it is easier to work with (softer wood). My first 6 builds were pretty much done by hand, saws & files...so poplar was the neck of choice. Oak is stronger of course as it is a hard wood. I did one CBG by hand that has an oak neck....took alot of energy to file out the slot under the box lid!
3) As for tuners, I search ebay for deals. Here's the lastest find :
I sure someone else will chime in with additional info. Good luck & please post your CBG when you are done!