I'm down south and it's already getting hot in the little building I use as a shop.
In another month it'll probably be unbearable. Think I'm gonna give one of these a try.
It's cheap enough and I probably already have all the parts.
Whatcha think?
That's certainly cheap enough. I'll have to look around. Thanks man.
They work... for a while... it's all about how much ice you can pile in there, and how hot it will melt.
Unfortunately, down south also means humid... too bad that won't help much. Ideally, this won't cool your shop, put pipe it where it will blow on you...
Looks great. I'll bear it in mind for about mid July when we get our 2 weeks of annual sunny weather :)
All the way through the video I kept thinking of this:
aw come on... it's great over in sunny Powys