It's not a cigar box guitar, but it sure is strange enough for us to study...  In 1963, Frank Zappa appeared on the Steve Allen show to perform a completely avant garde music on various parts of a bicycle, including using a violin bow on the spokes.

What's really interesting is his use of pre-recorded tapes, spoken words from the announcer and other elements, which is very much along the lines of John Cage's style.

Whether you're a Zappa fan or not, this is a great historical glimpse into a maverick composer's early years.

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  • Although this is not the first time I've seen this, it never gets boring. If only Steve Allen knew at the time who he was talking to, I believe he would have been a bit more "in tune" with Frank. They both have incredible musical talent and a different take on life. Great video and yes, I am a Zappa (and Allen) fan. Especially Frank's "Joe's Garage" 3 LP set and Steve's "Piano Tonight" LP. Both are classics. 

  • Rather sad really... FZ had tried to get onto the show with his more- er, more conventional music several times, only to be turned down each time. Subtract the bicycles and you get a decent idea of what he was doing then.

  • Oh man that was fun to watch!

    Now I have to find "How's Your Bird"

  • Love Frank
  • Interesting stuff :)

  • Laughed all the way thru the tape! Classic Steve Allen & Zappa so young!

  •     One of the funniest tapes I ever seen, laughed the whole way thru! I'm old enough to remember Steve Allen.

  • Thanks for posting. Zappa was always Zappa. 

  • Just because you haven't tried it doesn't mean it won't work.  Part of the fun of experimenting.

  • You can tuna fish...
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