Today I had a display set up in the hallway of our MALL where my instruments were securely hung on hooks ( if not lifted off the hook)
 This after noon a young lady grabbed my newest camacha 3 string , didnt have a good grasp of it and I heard it hit the floor from inside my shop.
 I went out to see how bad the damage was and the young lady informed me rudely that it wasnt hurt,
 I looked it over anyway and found it cracked so bad that if I can save it it has to come completely apart to do so.
 I informed the young lady that she owed me $77.95 and got an earful of attitude some of which involved it being "that it was MY FAULT because I had them displayed in public.
 Its amazing now days how people take no responsibility for their own actions,everything they do or cause is "somebody else's  fault.
Now if the young lady had at least said she was sorry I could have lived with it, but  to pick up my instrument off the floor while listening to her explain it was "MY fault" was too much.
I followed her and her group all the way through the MALL to the door before  deciding to call the police.
 But once they cleared the building I was so relieved  that they wouldnt cause anybody else in the building a problem I just let it go.
 Moral? Watch your product every second when its in the public's reach,,,,,,

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  • This may hurt sales a bit but I've decided to revamp and display the CBG's in good plain view, but out of direct reach as far as being able to actually remove the instrument. I realize that customers want to be able to "play" the guitar, but I cant handle another incident where I have to pick up my work and see damage caused by stupidity.
  • Oh man. sorry to hear that. This might not help, but maybe you could turn that one into a floor model for others to try out and avoid handling all the instruments for those who are just taking "test drives".

    Roger Martin said:
    Those instruments have THAT VERY sign on them now as we dont speak LOL
    And as for MALL security, well the problem with that is,,,,,,,,,, Thats ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL lol
    I AM Mall security, Thats what was so humiliating at the time. LOL
    One more thing I forgot in the 1st post. While I was picking it up off the floor she's busy running her mouth with, " It's NOT HURT!"
    To which I started showing her the cracks she caused when it hit the floor,,,,,which only caused her to get more rude,,,,,,,,
  • Rockcity,
    Yep,I've been working in this building for 16 years,and I have seen the attitude of the general public get worse every year.If I have time today,( running the business and working for the mall at the same time.I will secure the instruments better.
  • Dealt with plenty of those situations when I owned my own shop it somehow never became easier to deal with..
  • All,
    I still think the best way to win any altercation is not to get into one. It has been my experience that signs really are not that effective for more reasons than I care to go into. My thought on a cigar box guitar would be to add an eye bolt on the bottom that would serve two purposes. One to secure the guitar to the display and also could be use as a custom strap holder. When dealing with the public I feel things need to be “fool proof “ as much as possable.

  • WAde,,
    Those instruments have THAT VERY sign on them now as we dont speak LOL
    And as for MALL security, well the problem with that is,,,,,,,,,, Thats ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL lol
    I AM Mall security, Thats what was so humiliating at the time. LOL
    One more thing I forgot in the 1st post. While I was picking it up off the floor she's busy running her mouth with, " It's NOT HURT!"
    To which I started showing her the cracks she caused when it hit the floor,,,,,which only caused her to get more rude,,,,,,,,
  • I like the saying "Nice to handle, nice to hold. If you break it, consider it sold." Maybe make a sign like this?

    Wes Yates said:
    Nice to handle, nice to hold. If you break it, consider it sold.

    You said, 'young' lady. I would guess <25 then? Obviously someone who's PARENTS didn't teach them to take responsibility for their actions. Shameful how the youth (I'm 46 and I was taught better!) seem to think they are above any type of responsibility. If I found out that one of my daughters did that, I would make them go back, pay for the instrument, and apologize, then I would punish them based on the fact that they were rude and had complete disregard for others wares.

    Sounds like you are hit a couple of times recently. Sorry 'bout that.

  • Roger,
    When I owned a family music store this is what we did. I made a system where anybody could touch, feel and strum the guitars on display, but the instruments could not be removed without help from a sales person. I made all types of displays like this, some of my designs were copied in part or whole by instrument companys.I am positive most music store goes have seen my design varitions. I have always felt that customers can not be trusted but need to have the feeling of being able to touch without being able to pick up,break or walk off with anything.. This has been my experance.

  • Roger Martin said:
    All in all its NOT going to be a fun wekend or week next week for that matter.

    Do NOT let this sorry critter ruin your day. I see that girl in question (or her ethically-impaired sisters and brothers) every bless'd day... in the law office I work in.

    Just let the mall security know, regardless. Shopping malls, she'll find out, are NOT public spaces and she can get kicked out, or face trespass charges.
  • YA, Wes, I'm pretty disgusted right now in fact.So much so that I dread going in today.My partners idea this week of what the shop should look like ,and mine is far apart.I'm going to have to insist which I dont like to do,on this one.
    All in all its NOT going to be a fun wekend or week next week for that matter.
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