Last week I picked up a bench top drill at an auciton. Real nice old Craftsman. Was outbid on a small bench top band saw. Last night I won a band saw at an auction. A Ryobi BS-50N with a 7 inch clearance for a good 6 1/2 cut. Got the metal stand to go with it. Had to go back today to pick up the stand. On the way home I stopped into this cool resale shop. Know most of the folks that run and work there. Was bragging about the band saw when one of them said,. "Follow me." In the back room there sat this home made jointer/edger router table. Big, heavy and well built. He looks at me and says "I'll offer you a 'Get it out of our way now' price". I stood there and looked at this thing. Then he added, "The bits alone run around $50 each." He could see I was still thinking. So he added, "You couldn't buy the electric motor for $50". He could tell I was lighting up like a Christmas tree. Waits a moment and says to me, "$20 To get it out of my way. And I'll have these two guys load it for ya". Guess who got it out of their way... LOL Today will be spent cleaning up and clearing out the garage. Be nice to see the floor in there again. Right now I have a path going from the door to my kitchen door. Lots of reorganizing to do. Be a great way to work out these soar muscles from lugging that band saw around last night.

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  • Think a lot of us have been there. Rebuilt a VW engine on a card table in the living room back in the '80s.

  • Thanks folks! Be a wile on pictures. Want to get all this stuff out of my living room. Still working on the garage.

    • I know what you're up against, had a BSA Rocket 3 in an apartment once,a loooooong time ago.

  • I wanna see a pic of the router/jointer set up. Sounds like you really scored. 

  • well done! (-:

  • Sounds good, but we need pictures. :D

  • sounds like you really scored. Enjoy working with all the new stuff, figuring out just how many things you can now do better than before.

    • You bet Gary! The band saw will really help out when making all the small cuts I was doing on the table saw.

      The only one I know how to use is the drill press. Watching band saw vids on Youtube. Learning how to set the guides, angle and blade tension. Even seen a great trick on how to get a blade back into a small circle. Even learning what blades are good for what. There's a lot of great vids. Not really sure what to do with the router table. Came with a nice bull nosing bit. And one that looks like it's for making rabbit joints. The third one looks like it's for mimicking bead board.

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