
  • In my own efforts to help here , part of each sale a customer receives is a pick, 1 of the best copper slides that Lowes has, and a link to this site,with strong suggestion to join the site and get involved with the fun.EVERY customer gets this as part of the sale.
    When I cant avoid it, Shane's name even comes up from time to time,,,,,,, kidding, LOL
  • Yes, Shane, it's official, you have created a monster!!!!!!



    Shane Speal said:
    I just put a little hit counter on the Nation today. It's the first time I've ever tried to measure traffic in here. It's been running for about 11 hours and there's already 5675 overall page hits. HOLY HELL!!! And this is a Saturday...less traffic!
  • I just put a little hit counter on the Nation today. It's the first time I've ever tried to measure traffic in here. It's been running for about 11 hours and there's already 5675 overall page hits. HOLY HELL!!! And this is a Saturday...less traffic!
  • yep. wait. we all have that. not good enough. he deserves... a shrubbery.

    yes. a shrubbery.


    Ronnie Retherford said:
    He should get a free life time membership to 'the Nation'.
    Welcome Coleman!!
  • He should get a free life time membership to 'the Nation'.
    Welcome Coleman!!
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