So this git, with an accompanying Epiphone EPSC210 2 channel 2x30 W dual 10" speaker solid state amp suddenly fell in my lap. they were sent to me for appraisal in mostly non-working, poorly adjusted condition. So a coupla springs, a fully loaded Fender Custom Shop Tex Mex pickguard later...I got me a new axe. Muahahaha has!


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  • Nother pick of the body with the old pickguard


  • Good deal
    Guitar Center has a Epiphone Les Paul Speacial(2-P90's or 2-HB's) on sale now for 99bucks.

  • Great score Oily! Epiphone has made some really good quality guitars. 

    • Yeah, this turned out to be a 1995 S-310. There's not many of them around on eBay or the other forums, and the Epi hockey stick headstock should turn some heads when I play out with it. I got a black-white-black 3-ply pickguard with white Tex Mex pups and white knobs to replace the non-working PITA stock pups, and also got a new whammy bar, some more tiny screws, and 3 more trem block springs in case I decide to put bigger strings on it. The neck needs just a smidge more relief. The previous owner had no clue how to adjust the spring tension on the trem block, nor how to adjust the individual saddles for intonation and compensation, and had stripped out one of the two bridge anchors. When I got it, the trem block was angled severely forward toward the headstock, the strings were sitting 3/4" above the 17th fret, and a coupla mm above the first fret, and the electronics didn't work at all. It was basically unplayable. So I offered them $80 for the git, and $50 for the amp, then got them to toss in a cheap wah, bright pink 15' 1/4" cable, and a decent Korg analog tuner. Right now, the amp is selling used in tweed config for maybe $80; this one is a 95 blackface with black Tolex, and at first, every single knob on it was frozen up tight.

      They actually thought they were gonna get 100's of dollars for the whole thing, because the guitar, in Silver metalflake, was "pretty."

      So now I have another git to mod, and an OK amp I can keep or sell.

      It's been a good week. :-)
    • That guard and pups you have will look nice and sound good.

      Save the old pups for CBG's or send them to me. :)

  • Cool!

  • And you drive around with it in your Chevy-Chrysler-Ford?

  • :-O

    • Yeah, I thought you might like this, Pick!
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