**************************UPDATE************************Friday night turn out to be Just about 5 of us so we will meet around 8 or 9 and plan for Saturday. BBQ is eat till its gone for 10 bucks a person City Diner and Dixie Q teamed up to cook for us. Food starts at Noon Eat till your full or its all gone! MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS! NO GLASS! As soon as the first player is done eating and want to start. I will be recoring to broadcast at a later date, and to archive on my site. So Saturday Show up before noon if your eating and planning on playing.See yall Next week!***************************UPDATE***************************April 17 after our Jam there is a Blues Jam at 8:30pmRusty O'Reilly's with Doc Williamson http://www.cigarboxnation.com/profile/DocWilliamson2849 Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32806 4.8 miles from TravelodgeDoc wil be at our Jam and would like all the folk to stop over after fer a night of Blues!!!!
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  • Too bad I missed it
    Bu6t on a brighter note I was able to hold me guitar playing nephew captive for four days with nothing to play but a CBG and a dulcitar and he is a confirmed convert
    i was very surprised that he preferred the dulcitar
  • Orlando is preparing for in invasion. Or at least they should be. HAAAAA
  • Have a great time guys, wish I could be there!!
  • picked up some blank Padron boxes,gonna do a lil art on em,you guys can pick through em,see if its something you may wanna use on a build. Cost , 1 beer per box? Sound good to ya'll?
  • I'll stop by Sat afternoon,What time is good?
  • Have a good one!!!
  • REV NIX...we need you over at homemade...free advertising...several years ago there was a gig like this and ted ...using a laptop...broadcast it live...video and sound..see ya sat...pool side
  • Im there friday and saturday. I want to eat and play. Maybe a couple of us could get together friday and strum a few tunes together to see what happens. Ill bring my bongos for a beat. but if anyone has a small drumset that they are willing to carry I can keep most beats.( if its stays cose to 2/4)Ill bring a small bass setup too just incase we need it.
  • too far for me to make it - maybe in the future you could set up a projector and laptop and those of us from far, far away can send in DVDs or MP4 files and appear on screen? Just so we can get the chance to be there in spirit if not in body. Or maybe two way skype setup a couple of webcams should do it. or.......something other way. Anyway, hope everybody there has a good time.
    Nigel aka Rev Larry aka Little Willie Mousetrousers aka............
  • wish I lived closer!...keep us updated as to when you'll be playing it on the radio : -)
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