• May 30, 2009 from 2:00pm to 7:00pm UTC-04
  • Location: Flying Monkey Arts Center, Huntsville, Alabama
  • Latest Activity: Aug 3, 2021
5th Annual Cigar Box Guitar Extravaganza. This years show will be decidedly smaller and held indoors in The Flying Monkey's new upstairs performance hall. We're limiting the show to five or six performing acts this year, so performers contact me quick if you want on the bill.Note: This event has been rescheduled to Saturday, May 30.
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  • Thanks for all your Help Matt. I should get there late afternoon. The Flying monkey is The Epicenter of the CBG revolution.
  • look fer me to be hanging out with ottie noble.we should have plenty of cbg,s with us to wow the masses. plan to have a good time,i never been to one of these events before.see yall there.
  • Thanks Matt, looking forward to meeting y'all!!
  • So will there be booth-town out front? I would like to bring some of the CBG Museum for folks to see.
  • Matt....somethings come up...can't be there.
  • They will be showing "Songs Inside The Box," the cigar box guitar documentary at 4:00 p.m.
  • I'll be there too!

    Best regards, Willie
  • Thanks Matt !! I'll be there.
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