St. Louis MO. 8th annual Cigar Box Guitar Festival. 34 S Old Orchard Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119
Justin Johnson will perform Friday June 5, @7PM night before the fest. Justin will also hold a seminar Saturday June 6, 10-12PM se details for cover charges on poster. The Vendors will be set up early outside and music fest is @1:-5PM. All vendor read vendor rules for info. Each year this festival grows and evolves into an amazing experience.
The 2020 June Festival is obviously been postponed due to the pandemic impact. We are looking at possible September and will up date on all channels soon as we have a commitment.
8th Annual Cigar Box Guitar Festival 2020 At the Hwy61roadhouse

Vendor rules and guidelines
Vendor booths for June 6, 2020 festival Flat rate $50. 10x10.
Payable to Pay Pal acct#
Note: With exception to performers and fundraisers, all vendor lots are assigned by a first pay basses. As soon as your payment clears and you have selected an available spot, it will be posted here and updated asap.Bring your own tables & chairs and canopy. There will be a limit electric outlets FCFS must have own cords and vendors are responsible for the safety of their own equipment.
Your payment is your receipt. Leave comment with payment.
Electric junction box is located on the north parking lot and so any hook ups and so vendors must supply their own extension cords and secure them.
Please, no food or drink from outside brought to this event such as lunches, drinks or coolers!
Note: Bill has always been generous in offering vendor bracelets that give us exclusive discounts on food and drink! 1 per vendor-
Vendors are expected arrive early to set up, to conduct business professionally.
Clean their area up promptly by 05:00pm or following the festival.
As the saying goes, leave it better than we find it.
Please contact the roadhouse for VIP or admissions depending what day you're wanting and they should be able to help with that. (314) 968-0061
That's assuming you were talking about seating inside for Justin's performances. However if you're interesting in vending, then send $50. to pay pal acct# after reading the vendor rules.
How do I get reservations?
I went to this festival in 2018 and had so much fun. I hope I can make it back this year. It's a great time.