Sisters of CBN....maybe we should share something about who we are, where we're from (or where we're going?) Write as much or as little as you'd like. Hell, make it up if you want to. We won't know any different -- unless you become a CBG star.

Whaddya think?

Views: 533

Replies to This Discussion

Heyyy Sistahs....
My name is Renee, but my blues name is Rinnie. I love building guitars and my lil biz is starting to take off in these parts of Ann Arbor, Michigan. I need to buckle down and practice, as I hope to do some performing in the next year.
love the blues, roots music, and ROCK N ROLL, baby!
I dig those pups that Skeezix is building...send me an email, I am thinkin' on buyin' one.
All you women builders out there, keep on building!
All you women performers out there, keep on jammin'!
We all know that the playing field needs to be leveled. I have a plow. Let's get to diggin'
Rock On
Good to meet you, Rinnie. Dig indeed!

Rinnie Stokley said:
Heyyy Sistahs....
My name is Renee, but my blues name is Rinnie. I love building guitars and my lil biz is starting to take off in these parts of Ann Arbor, Michigan. I need to buckle down and practice, as I hope to do some performing in the next year.
love the blues, roots music, and ROCK N ROLL, baby!
I dig those pups that Skeezix is building...send me an email, I am thinkin' on buyin' one.
All you women builders out there, keep on building!
All you women performers out there, keep on jammin'!
We all know that the playing field needs to be leveled. I have a plow. Let's get to diggin'
Rock On
Rinnie - thanks for telling us a little more about yourself! I grew up near Flint and Lansing so I am very familiar with Ann Arbor. You are in a great area to sell these instruments - people are hip to all sorts of cool things.... I'm glad to hear that your business is doing well, especially since I am starting my own business here on the Eastern Shore. It's encouraging to hear another woman builder share her success! I also have been eyeing over those pups that Skeesix makes and am going to order one one of these days. She also gives a great tutorial for making your own over on Scotty's site (she gave the URL in another post here in the Women's Group) and I am really interested in learning to make my own!
Hey Sisters, I am from South Georgia. People round here hadn't seen too many cigar box guitars. There is a guy bout 30 miles from here who owns a little music store who makes cigar box guitars, diddley bows, and etc..He also inserts speakers in antique suitcases. I get some of my supplies from him.

Back to me---I am a simple minded person who fell in love with the sound of a cigar box guitar, the unique sound that can not be duplicated. I haven't learned how to play very good yet. I am still a rookie in playing the regular guitar. I had always wanted to play a guitar all my life, but never took the time to learn. I told my husband I was thinking bout taking lessons after I saw an advertisement wanting guitar students---he said, go for it. No matter, what I went after, my husband, always gave me support and still does. So, I bought me a alverez acoustic guitar, and began my lessons. I took the lessons for a year until I saw on youtube where I could take free lessons. Anyway, he was only teaching me one style, and I wanted to branch out, get a variety of different playing, and styles. One day, I found a site on the computer called guitarplayeruniversity---I think that was the name of it. So, I joined the site, met alot of nice folks that taught me alot of stuff about music, playing, computer stuff, and etc.. I found the cigar box site through youtube. I ordered my first CBG from Big Daddy. I have only one CBG. I love the way it sounds. I may be wrong, but it seems to me, it is easier to play than a regular guitar.
Like Lana Rae, I have been doing research on how to make the cigar box guitars, and stomp boxes. So, I haven't built one yet; but I will.
Back to me-----I have an artifical leg, I have alot of phantom pain with it. Right now, I am trying to get off some medicine slowly----my dr. took me off it without cutting it down slowly; it threw me into withdrawals. This medicine is for nerve pain which is Lyricia. If any of my sisters out there are on this medicine, don't just stop taking this, slowly get off it.
I know yall are wandering how I lost my leg. That is alright, I don't mind telling you how I lost it. It doesn't bother me.
It was one hot, humid summer day, just like any other day in Fl in the everglades. It was when I was working with the wildlife. On a regular basics, we would catch a gator, measure it, determine whether it was a male or female, and record our findings. On this particular day, I jumped on the back of the gator trying to hold it, but the gator was alittle mad that I was on his back; the rope slipped which made his jaws free as he quickly grabbed my left leg. Of course, I screamed in agony, but the others couldn't free my leg. To make the story short---the gator swam down the river with my leg. And that is how I lost my leg.
And if you believe that story; I have some land to sell you. I only wish I could see my sister's faces as I told my story. LOL. I tell that story all the time, then bust out laughing. It is a better story than the real one which is boring. If you are interested, I will tell you.
I thought I would have alittle fun with yall. And I did.
Nice to meet you, Rinnie, Susan, and Lana Rae. I think this is a good idea,so we can get to know one another. Thanks Susan.
Okay, Dianne, you had me hook, line and sinker. When I got to the part in your story where you "jumped on the gator's back," I just thought, 'well, this woman is nuts.' Thanks for the morning laugh, and for introducing yourself.

Dianne Woods said:
Nice to meet you, Rinnie, Susan, and Lana Rae. I think this is a good idea,so we can get to know one another. Thanks Susan.
Hi All,
Glad to be here and I am an absolute rookie - dont even play the normal guitar.
I'm Penny but my personal branding is Pan (short for Penny Ann Nelson but also covers the god Pan, Pantheistic, Panic etc). I live in Brisbane Australia and CGB's are quite new hear. Aussie bush bands have Tea Chest basses (one wooden tea chest, broomstick and a string) and shaker sticks made from beer bottle tops but thats about it. So, hearing a CBG is absolutely out of this world for us.

About a year ago I was doing some goal setting an reassing of my life and realised I was a white woman with no rhythm. Decided I didnt want to leave the planet still being a white woman with no rhythm so lept into the world of African drumming. Love it and have met some awesome souls on the journey.
One awesome soul sells his fire sticks through a drummer at the markets up the coast from where I live - we went up one weekend and I literally stumbled accross Paul Thorley playing at his stall and was hooked from that moment. Couldnt afford his awesome beasts so I bought a cheapy on Ebay the sound is okay but the neck is a 4X2 and pretty hard to navigate for my grrrl hands. So it has spent a lot of this year bonding with my wall.
Its been a huge year for me with job changes, sick parent and a few relationships that I prefer to call errors in judgement on my part - so the redneck has been neglected. The year is about to turn though and I'm back into it and now that I have got some rythm & lost my fear of performing in public & jamming just for the hell of it I'm ready to tackle the box once again.

Think its great to have a womans group. I grew up in the 60/70's where women musicians where non existant & the boi Zone had a big barrier around it. So think its nice to have a little shelter from the storm once in a while...

Diane, stick with the Gator story its awesome. Men mythologise themselves all the time its about time we started as well. Anyways folks really glad to be here : D
Hey Penny, Nice to meet you. I am glad you liked my story. Yes, you will start the new year with soul. It will turn round for you. Keep the good attitude.
I have started on my first CBG, but it is a heart shaped tin. I haven't got very far---trying to decide how is the best way to connect the neck and tail piece onto the tin. I am going to try long skinny screws. I should have went with the through neck design which would have been easier. Oh well.
Lana has a good start on her first CBG, and it looks like it is going to be a winner.
Have a nice day.
Hi Penny...I LOVED your story, and the fact that you "didn't want to leave the planet as a white woman with no rhythm." A priceless realization. You have my deepest admiration for doing something about it.

The tea chest basses sound fascinating. Glad you're here.


Penny Nelson said:
Hi All,
Glad to be here and I am an absolute rookie - dont even play the normal guitar.
I'm Penny but my personal branding is Pan (short for Penny Ann Nelson but also covers the god Pan, Pantheistic, Panic etc). I live in Brisbane Australia and CGB's are quite new hear. Aussie bush bands have Tea Chest basses (one wooden tea chest, broomstick and a string) and shaker sticks made from beer bottle tops but thats about it. So, hearing a CBG is absolutely out of this world for us.

About a year ago I was doing some goal setting an reassing of my life and realised I was a white woman with no rhythm. Decided I didnt want to leave the planet still being a white woman with no rhythm so lept into the world of African drumming. Love it and have met some awesome souls on the journey.
One awesome soul sells his fire sticks through a drummer at the markets up the coast from where I live - we went up one weekend and I literally stumbled accross Paul Thorley playing at his stall and was hooked from that moment. Couldnt afford his awesome beasts so I bought a cheapy on Ebay the sound is okay but the neck is a 4X2 and pretty hard to navigate for my grrrl hands. So it has spent a lot of this year bonding with my wall.
Its been a huge year for me with job changes, sick parent and a few relationships that I prefer to call errors in judgement on my part - so the redneck has been neglected. The year is about to turn though and I'm back into it and now that I have got some rythm & lost my fear of performing in public & jamming just for the hell of it I'm ready to tackle the box once again.

Think its great to have a womans group. I grew up in the 60/70's where women musicians where non existant & the boi Zone had a big barrier around it. So think its nice to have a little shelter from the storm once in a while...

Diane, stick with the Gator story its awesome. Men mythologise themselves all the time its about time we started as well. Anyways folks really glad to be here : D
Hi All,
Love the gator story. That sounds like something I would make up.

I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. I've been playing guitar since the early 80's and repairing and building them for almost as long. I've found that at least around here, as long as you demonstrate a serious interest in playing and have some skill, people will take you seriously. There is also the thing I call the "female surprise factor" which is when you get up on stage, they expect you to suck, and when you don't, they think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I discovered CBG's after hearing about Richard Johnston winning the IBC and everyone marveling over this wierd guitar-like instrument he was playing, which was a Lowe Bow built by John Lowe in Memphis. I built my first CBG, a one string, by copying the picture on Richard's album cover. Then later I was amazed to find a Yahoo group with about 200 other people interested in doing the same thing. That was about 5 years ago I think. Hard to believe it's been that long.

I became fascinated with pickups sometime after that and started winding my own, and built my own custom winder.

You can check out my website here: The project blog has pics and sound files of my various projects. I update it periodically.

You can also access my pickups through the website.

Hey Skeesix -- Glad to have you with us. You have apparently gathered quite a bit of expertise, as I see your name all over the place. I don't know enough about pick-ups to ask any intelligent questions (yet) but I have looked at your work. Very impressive.


Skeesix said:
Hi All,
Love the gator story. That sounds like something I would make up.

I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. I've been playing guitar since the early 80's and repairing and building them for almost as long. I've found that at least around here, as long as you demonstrate a serious interest in playing and have some skill, people will take you seriously. There is also the thing I call the "female surprise factor" which is when you get up on stage, they expect you to suck, and when you don't, they think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I discovered CBG's after hearing about Richard Johnston winning the IBC and everyone marveling over this wierd guitar-like instrument he was playing, which was a Lowe Bow built by John Lowe in Memphis. I built my first CBG, a one string, by copying the picture on Richard's album cover. Then later I was amazed to find a Yahoo group with about 200 other people interested in doing the same thing. That was about 5 years ago I think. Hard to believe it's been that long.

I became fascinated with pickups sometime after that and started winding my own, and built my own custom winder.

You can check out my website here: The project blog has pics and sound files of my various projects. I update it periodically.

You can also access my pickups through the website.

Hey Skeesix, I am glad you liked the gator story.
You are very talented. I would like to see a video on you playing. How bout it?


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