Cigar Box Guitars in the Schools

Classrooms to be filled with music as C. B. Gitty introduces new Cigar Box Guitars in Schools program.

Aug 18, 2015   [Rochester NH]

C. B. Gitty Crafter Supply has just launched a new Cigar Box Guitars in School program and named Shane Speal as Director of Education Outreach Sales. 

C. B. Gitty owner, Ben Baker said, "we have been getting many requests from teachers about using our cigar box guitar kits in the classroom.  This new program streamlines everything for educators and helps them develop the curriculum they need."

The program concentrates on the building of musical instruments and is geared for all levels, from grade school to college level. 

With the new program, teachers will have cigar box guitar kits and resources to teach a wide variety of curriculum, including STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) along with history and art. 

Shane Speal has been educating kids on homemade instruments for many years.  Pictured: Speal in 1999 playing a one-string diddley bow with a student.

"I've been playing cigar box guitars for over twenty years, " says Speal.  "I've also taught classes along the way.  The cigar box guitar provides so many lessons, from the great history of American music to all the skills needed to craft one."  He adds, "and when you're done, the kids have an awesome new guitar!"

Speal explains, "in the simplest terms, C. B. Gitty is making their kits and parts available to teachers and educators at a 25% discount."  He adds, "we are always increasing our lessons, skills and historical information to assist in gathering the various elements needed to satisfy curriculum requirements."

Their flagship cigar box guitar kit is called "Pure & Simple" because it only needs a screwdriver to assemble.  "I've seen both college students and grade school kids work with the Pure & Simple Kit," says Speal, "and they both found it equally rewarding." 

C. B. Gitty also offers several other kits for various skill levels, including Cigar Box Ukulele, Diddley Bow, Cigar Box Amplifiers and even African Kalimbas (thumb pianos).  More details with discounted pricing is listed at the Teachers Resource Page.

REGISTERING AS A TEACHER FOR YOUR DISCOUNT:  If you are interested in the program, you may register at any time.  Simply email Shane Speal direct at with the following information:

  1. Your Name and Address
  2. Name of school or organization
  3. School address, phone number & website
  4. Grade level or average age of your class
  5. Class size (# of students)

A few more details:

  • C. B. Gitty can accept purchase orders (minimum $150) from school accounting offices, as well as credit cards, checks and PayPal.
  • The 25% discount also applies to individual parts for classroom use.  This means if a teacher is already an experienced instrument builder, they can develop their own classroom projects using Gitty parts and resources.

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