Hi everyone,

I'm getting close to doing the wiring for my new 4 stringer, which will have 2 single coil pickups, a master V&T and a 3 way switch. I believe this is pretty standard Telecaster wiring.

The only thing is, the 3 way switch I have is an 'economy 3 way toggle' (see below)

I'm sure it will work, but it looks like most of the switches in the diagrams around have a different layout.

Would I be right to assume that the hot leads from each pickup go to the lugs on either side on the bottom, the middle goes to the left (input) lug on the volume pot and the little tab attached to the casing is the ground? Like this:

This diagram looks a little more familiar, and do-able with what I have:


Let me know if I'm barking up the wrong tree with this!



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  • 306315986?profile=original

    • Not a problem Bob. Hope you had a good time.

      Everything looks crystal clear, I can follow that no problems. The 3 way was sold as a guitar pickup selector so I'm hoping its on/on/on. The DPDT I got was £3, should work fine.

      Thanks again!
      • You are welcome, glad I could help.

        Your 3 way should be the correct configuration.

        Since you are making pickups and starting to explore wiring you might want to consider getting a breadboard for testing and experimenting. (And a multimeter, my Fluke stocks need a boost.)

        If you really want to explore tone possibilities VariTone boards are cool. Guitar Fetish has some in stock for a good price and one would fit in a CBG easily.

        Cool thing about that diagram is that if you wind a pickup with opposite polarity the circuit will be humbucking when in the middle position.

    • You're the man Bob. Thank you for doing this - and for encouraging me to go outside my comfort zone!
      • Sorry it's late, had lunch with the kids and then ended up doing a pub crawl.

        You wouldn't have wanted me to make any sort of diagrams. :-l

        If anything is unclear let me know.

        A low voltage DPDT switch should be easy to find and inexpensive, they run about a $1.50US here.

        Your toggle is on/on/on right?

        All I can get locally are on/off/on configuration.

  •  The 3rd wire in Tele wring diagram is done when you want a 4 way switching , the pickup metal cover is earthed to the earth wire but for 4 way switching it's unsoldered from the earth wire so you have live ,earth and the cover now has it's own earth hence the 3 rd wire , what's the problem with the  pickups >

    • "No problems as such" just complications...you know, options man, too many options!!! LOL

      By the by, it says the third wire (green wire) is case ground right on the diagram. Same thing as grounding the shielding tape separately from the pup like I suggested as hand wound pups on wood forms aren't likely to have metal covers...

      This her'ya 'lectric stuff is right fun!

      (I may look like a dumb redneck (cockney), I may even sound like an dumb redneck(cockney) but never presume that I am a dumb redneck(cockney).)

      • Yep, I managed that one myself, although I swear blind that label wasn't on the diagram the first time I looked :-)

        Also - are cockneys rednecks?! lol
        • Sure it wasn't....your optometrist is in for a nice bit of coin...

          Cockneys = rednecks... close enough analogy for comprehension. You know; the whole different accent, rough and ready get it done attitude, blue collar reputation, etc same as rednecks in the US.

          Over here you can have alphabet soup out behind your name but if you don't speak rapidly ( plus facetiously ) and use colloquial English, people from other parts of the country believe "you ain't too bright". I've used that to advantage.

          • ...probably more to do with me using the internet mainly on my phone ;-)

            Never fear - watching the excellent Fargo series recently has rekindled my love of MN and its denizens since watching the Coens' movie :-)

            I think the perception of rednecks over here is more as rustic rural people, which is why the comparison amused CK so much - it would certainly make EastEnders more entertaining for me!

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