Hello everyone I hope you are all well.  I play guitar all the time but have never played a cigar box guitar.  I must say I am quite impressed with some of the guitars shown here (I had no idea).  Anyway I am a husband, father, civil engineer, inventor, manufacturer, and business owner.  I have lived in several states including North Carolina, Maryland, Georgia, North Dakota, and now Indiana.  Most of my growing up was in North Carolina in the foothills area in Elkin.  I went on to college at University of Maryland and NCSU.  I have supervised highway construction for 15 years now and I also own Pick Punch LLC (Some of you may know me as the guy that invented the Pick Punch Guitar Pick making tool).  I am married and have three children all under 7.  When I had time (before having children), I used to hunt, fish, snow ski, and pretty much anything outdoors I have done it on a obsessive level at one time or another. Now, most of my time is spent with my website, factory issues such as tooling and CAD work, distrubtion of my products, and most importantly keeping track of my little ones.  It seems the only thing I do have time for anymore as far as hobbies is playing guitar or throwing a line in the lake out back because that is about all I can do while at home when I am with the little ones.


After looking over this website, I would like to possibly add to my guitar collection and get one of these cigar box guitars.  If anyone has information as to the collectible side of these guitars and where I might obtain one that would be great. I will look around and see what has already been discussed as well.   I don't think I will have time to build one any time soon so I guess I will settle to buying one if that is possible from someone well known for making these interesting guitars.


Shane thank you for the introduction to cigar box nation. 



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  • Welcome Von. You sound like a busy guy. CBGs are lots of fun, but come in a lot of different forms from 1 to 6 strings. Check out the photos and videos and see what trips your trigger.
  • Hey Tim I am in Winston would you be interested in picking sometime?

    Tim King said:
    I mean Cruising the circle...main street then around the back side past the carwash and back down main again..Friday, Saturday and Sunday for most of my misspent youth. They did shut cruising down quite a while back,,I was to old to go up there when that happened, but you are right..it was THE place to go!

    Great area to grow up in, that is for sure!!!

    Remember the call-out races down 77? I lost ALLOT of tire rubber to those!

    Von Luhmann (PICK PUNCH LLC) said:
    When you say cruised do you mean Cruising around the circle in downtown Elkin? Or just driving through. It had quite the interesting night life on the weekends. I think they shut down all the cruising long ago although. That place made national news several timne when I was growing up as a place to be back in the 80s and cruise. Anyway it was quite an interesting time growing up there. We were lucky to grow up in that area.

    Tim King said:
    Elkin, huh? I cruised there all through my youth, grew up in Pilot Mtn.

    Welcome to the Nation. You will find any number of great guys who build and sell their CBG's....you just need to look at some pictures, and decide who's style you like!!!

  • I mean Cruising the circle...main street then around the back side past the carwash and back down main again..Friday, Saturday and Sunday for most of my misspent youth. They did shut cruising down quite a while back,,I was to old to go up there when that happened, but you are right..it was THE place to go!

    Great area to grow up in, that is for sure!!!

    Remember the call-out races down 77? I lost ALLOT of tire rubber to those!

    Von Luhmann (PICK PUNCH LLC) said:
    When you say cruised do you mean Cruising around the circle in downtown Elkin? Or just driving through. It had quite the interesting night life on the weekends. I think they shut down all the cruising long ago although. That place made national news several timne when I was growing up as a place to be back in the 80s and cruise. Anyway it was quite an interesting time growing up there. We were lucky to grow up in that area.

    Tim King said:
    Elkin, huh? I cruised there all through my youth, grew up in Pilot Mtn.

    Welcome to the Nation. You will find any number of great guys who build and sell their CBG's....you just need to look at some pictures, and decide who's style you like!!!

  • When you say cruised do you mean Cruising around the circle in downtown Elkin? Or just driving through. It had quite the interesting night life on the weekends. I think they shut down all the cruising long ago although. That place made national news several timne when I was growing up as a place to be back in the 80s and cruise. Anyway it was quite an interesting time growing up there. We were lucky to grow up in that area.

    Tim King said:
    Elkin, huh? I cruised there all through my youth, grew up in Pilot Mtn.

    Welcome to the Nation. You will find any number of great guys who build and sell their CBG's....you just need to look at some pictures, and decide who's style you like!!!

  • Elkin, huh? I cruised there all through my youth, grew up in Pilot Mtn.

    Welcome to the Nation. You will find any number of great guys who build and sell their CBG's....you just need to look at some pictures, and decide who's style you like!!!

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