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Views: 155

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  • just great olds! like a movie in my mind!
  • Great song!
  • Sweet Devils...
  • thanks for watching people...i appreciate it entirely. just recorded this last night, and felt compelled to make a video-its been a while. This will be on my new album, which im trying to get finished now- probably two weeks away. peace.
  • "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."
    Does anybody really need me to tell them how stunning this is?
    A mature,masterful,real,naked,hurt,scarred,scared,courageous,existential cry in the dark..wonderful wonderful wonderful.
  • Love it !
    Great voice, great lyrics n' nice easy goin' melody. This is really, really good man !
  • super OLDS
  • Five stars don't hardly do it justice. Pure excellence.
  • lovely tune, Olds. is this from the new album? Really like A Hollow Drum. looking forward to release.
  • Nice. I like your imagery work. The music and lyrics are very Dylan like. (Please consider beginning compared to an icon is a compliment) Also, pardon me, I've been drinking some gin and juice to silence the pain of life, but I fully enjoyed your presentation. Thank you. Enjoy.
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