Young the Giant - Cough Syrup - three string slide cigar box guitar cover

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Alright heres a tune i bumped into about a week ago from a friend's link on facebook, and it's such a great song that i had to do a cigar box cover of it! Once again, my purpose is to show that with only three strings, no frets and a slide, one can perform lots of popular music, and i've shown time and again that limited resources shouldnt keep anyone from making music! (yeah, its not my strongest vocal ever in a video, but i posted it anyways. takes courage to post stuff you're not totally proud of, but whatever right? )Have a great day, record and post everything you discover, you never know who you may inspire next! -Uncle Crow-

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  • Good song and I have to disagree on the vocals.  They seem right on.

  • Yes, soo true. you'r a hero! well done

  • ^. .^ w00f !!!

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