
Views: 104
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very low tech, web cam type footage slow in nature, and fuzzy, i like it !

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  • thank you Jason !!!

  • Great stuff James!!!!!

  • thank you Phillip, !!!

  • Hey GENIUS JAMES here comes "video 008"...I LOVE IT...

    ...again more that 8 minutes of your great musical creation for our happiness...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • thank you Nancy Kat !!!

  • Love it James!! Fancinating to watch u in action~~~ Meowwww ^.^305979498?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  •  thanks guys !!! i know musically this is a bunch of  extremely loose garbage, but i  sure did enjoy doing it !!!

  • The man ,the myth,the way ferocious,please be live more love watchin yer magic in progress,Extra cool,love that lap dog action,305978800?profile=original

  • faster than a speeding bullet... has like a 1949 feel to the awesome show..

  • thank you very much Mr pick and Mr clock !!!

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