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Views: 111
My son Rich and me playing on home made cigar box guitars dulcimer tuned

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  • Thanks AGP........

  • "Yeah" Great Duet !!

  • Thank you SlowHound.......just one of those wonderful moments when you don't know what your doing but it just flows.......a feel good tune.....

  • I really enjoyed that. Well done gentlemen..

  • Thank you Jim Morris....we enjoyed it too.....

  • I enjoyed that a bunch! 

  • I Thank you all for lovely comments.....and we honestly did have fun and recorded it and shared with all of you in the hope that the good feeling spreads.......

  • Real cooooooooooooooool…………… !!!

  • what  dani  / bear  said 

  • Great job with the playing and really nice to see a father and son having time together like this. So much wrong with the world nowadays and it's seeing things like this that really addresses the imbalance. Thanks for sharing and our best to you and your son.

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