tricone 3 string guitar

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3 string, tuna can tricone guitar. 24" scale, 34 1/4" total length 16 frets, oak neck, oak fretboard, corian nut, each can has a spring in it... and Yes,this is a Lynas slide. Really happy how all this works and the sound. Thanks to my son for doing the video.

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  • Yes, Dave, Shane had a neat post about springs and I saw many others on here as well. Thanks Dave, this was a fun build, acoustic only. Paul the springs are 1/4" dia. x 3 1/4" long. I get them at Lowes, have many lengths and diameters.

  • Da. I looked down at comments and my ?s were answered pretty much. Thanks Lonman.

  • Way cool Lonman! You say there’s a spring in each can? Do the cans sit right on the bottom of the box? Is there a space under or sound holes in the cans? Thanks for showing.

  • What size of springs did you use in the cans?

  • I had a puppy follow me home today and there's  so many stray cats all over the place that makes opening cans in the can opener into a feeding call. Haha

    I really like how you built this and the springs really add to the sound. One of my CBG's got springs in it after Shane Speal did a video-how-to. I used screen door springs from the hardware store. I take twice as long to shop at the hardward store and others because I'm looking at everything and trying to figure out what to make with it. LOL    I'll probably get around to the others eventually.

  • ha, ha Paul, there is more truth to that comment you will ever know. Here is what the cans look like inside, I trimmed the wood before putting in the box to make a triangle shape as to not take up so much room inside the box. Ha, not smart thinking on my part, the springs were ideas of other folks, although not actually having cones, I did think that the springs inside the can may sound pretty good. I first saw the springs on a thread about the Stilley guitars, from there other people were trying springs and I wanted to try as well. I did a few other guitars with springs. The ChooseJoy has 2 springs in the wooden box and the square silver tin reso I made several builds back has 2 springs in it. That actually was the first time I did it and I liked the sound. 


  • So, when you play it, do all the cats in the neighborhood show up at your house?

  • Tell em Charlie sent ya! Who would think springed tuna cans could sound so good. Smart thinking, the cans are only about an inch deep! Good sound check! Don’t play around seagulls!

  • NICE

  • thanks for all the kind and fishy comments. You all have a great sense of humor :)  Yes, I really like this one. It tuna'd out pretty good. 

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