We play 12 songs in one hour during our Monday Night Zoom sessions from 6:30 - 7:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time). To join us check out the details here: https://www.cbgslinger.com/zoom
It's a great way to have fun and learn new songs.
Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 237th Zoom Mtg 01/20/25. Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: https://www.cbgslinger.com/songbooks
Glad you enjoyed the Lego Chugger Kale! I like the idea of one too; I plan to build a few more now that I have figured out one way to do it. The tone is surprisingly a little different (sweeter with a touch more sustain) that my other fishing line builds.
Thanks for the encouraging words BrianQ! I'm always amazed that intricate chording can be simplified and still work. This song took me by surprise; the more I played it the more I was inspired by the reflective lyrics.
Good to see that Lego guitar getting slung. i love the idea of a Lego instrument.
Wow, I'm amazed to hear a song with such intricate chording transcribed down to one finger chords, keep up the good work
CBG Songbook.pdf Song #457