Too Much Sunshine Featuring RTZ Guitars 6 string

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I decided to borrow my girls guitar for a riff or two.I missed standard tuned six string a bit.

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  • NICE JOB VINNIE   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanx guy as always  rock....I really do like the sun, Y'all .It's a .....I live in the land of rain in Oregon.This was like a "life's too good to have the blues" thing.It was all i had to complain about.It's a pitiful life..haha (The Tag...Reverse blues)

  • dont like the sun vinnie? come on down here in the summer , and try out working all day in this crap !!! i know how you feel , been doing it for a long time, my self , good stuff vinnie !!! nice guitar !!!

  • Good thing you don't live in San Diego the sun would kill you. That is a recycled guitar. No shame in rocking 6 string Vinnie.
  • Cool Vinnie nice Man.

  • Dang, Wes stole my comment.   Vinnie that sounds good, but is it really you?   Maybe these headless vids are a good trend for you.   Liking the vocals, bud.

  • Thanx WES,Pick,Much apppreciated

  • RTZ yum yums ! 

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