Time Portals, Machines, and Witch’s Brew

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Always an adventure picking up the Swamp Witch. But with two Witches!

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  • Star date 6 2018 , drifting between then and what will be, Going where no Swamp Witch has been before ha!  The crew is tired! Ha, thanks RTZ!

  • Swamp space Force
  • Thanks Dave, always appreciate your kind comments! Making art for art sake..10cc! Time’s up living on  borrowed time ha!

  • I think you made Art Richard. Time’s up. 

  • Derek, I think that’s the perfect  analogy, wish I would of thought of that! You can count on your Witch getting you there and back.....but your never the same! Thank you very much for your kind words Derek!

  • I witch to get you there and 1 witch to get you back! Nice trip Richard and great video as usual!

  • Angus Gustoff Pablota! I’m under a spell AGP, thought I’d take a crack at the code ha! What does it sound like with a pack of Witches locked in a cage! Perhaps this video! Started off with a time machine theme, bad mistake to start in Salem! Thanks AGP!

  • It was a spell, green eyes don’t lye! Always cutting edge in cat  hanky-panky and comment, your the best, thanks Nancy!

  • I usually take the fifth Jim! I’m convinced Pick puts a spell on everyone of these he ships out! But in my case, it’s a bonus! These Witches make it fun to be  manipulated. This video got stuck in between 1926 and 2345.  Sorcery indeed Sir! Thank you Jim!

  • "Good Witchy Sounds" Richard  :-)

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