Thunderations From Mighty Men

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A song written by a the village idiot. I was 30 years old. Playing my Honey Gold Resonator.

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  • Thank you very much Jim!

  • Mighty fine thunderations.

  • I really appreciated your comments Bob, thank you very much!

  • Some impressive and progressively colourful influences you've produced Rich. Thoroughly enjoyable vid.

  • I like the Yes reference, big fan of theirs! Derek, I’m just swimming in a bowl of soup! Nobody writes like that........and for good reason. I’d like to see Neil Diamond pull this off ha! I’ll kindly take Frank Z comparisons, thank you my friend!

  • Slightly plugged in A.D! Ha, this resonator needs only a little bit O power, reverb, and chorus. This song was sorta written for a CBG, just didn’t know it back in the day. Ahhh, still thinking about Dave’s meat queen. I get your very nice comments A.D, and appreciate them very much, thanks buddy!

  • Interesting photo Nancy, cool! Laughing or hair ball ha! No that’s actually purrfect! Ahhh, to be at 39 I look back and it seems like four or so decades. What happened! VI on the case. Thank you Nancy!

  • Thanks Uncle! Most songs I ever wrote started off with a great line I’d come up with in my mind when I was working. The remainder was trying to find words to  rhyme and fit sentences to that rhyming word. Confusing songs indeed, but looking back at all the sheets and pieces of paper, some were actually  coherent and expressed an inner feeling that made its way out. I never was able to write from an idea, I’d just get writers block. A cool sentence though was like a sprouting plant sometimes.

  • When I remember these days Dave, it’s a very casual thing but welcomed. I had to look up in an urban dictionary the term meat Queen, because I’m such an innocent and don’t get out much ha! Ahhhhh.......yes! Your right! Of the four definitions, yes on one ha! I see your a  purveyor of late night pubs sir! Thanks Dave, I’m trying to loosen up a bit, even smiled a couple of times.

  • That’s a very nice comment Denbo! I try to keep my idiot tendencies in check, and go into the village only for supplies now ha! Thank you my friend!

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