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Double coarse three string dream

Views: 137

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  • coolaroo. ;-)

  • Somewhat psychedelic and very contemplative. Excellent.

  • So cool the sound you can get from 3 strings!

  • yeah see what u mean about sound-  love the tone - video turned out fantastic kiddo!

  • Sounding so good, Jason.  And I sure liked the other 'vid' of you with the radio interview.

  • Thanks for the nice comments,I didn't realize how low the sound was. I had my volume cranked up on my computer so it was fine here lol,next time I will double check.

  • really cool, i like youre style

  • Cool, that really was dream like!

  • fantastic !!! inspirational!!! love it Jason!!!

  •    Good video and music. Really low sound, though. REAL low...

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