The Vespers' Bruno Jones | Cigar Box Guitar Jam Posted by Saner Cigar Box Guitars .com on July 27, 2013 at 9:15pm Views: 102 3 Get Embed Code <iframe width="459" height="344" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> Tags: Demo, Concert, Jam, Vespers, The Bruno Jones of The Vespers jams on the band's newly acquired custom cigar box guitar You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments! Join Cigar Box Nation Comments Mr.melo July 28, 2013 at 8:11am wow...keep using slides nice:) Jan Willem Hoogeveen July 28, 2013 at 8:03am Awesome playing! Uncle John July 27, 2013 at 9:41pm The still photos were great. Nice guitar and sound. It's good and bad when some dude picks up a cbg for the first time and plays it way better than I can. Saner Cigar Box Guitars .com July 27, 2013 at 9:20pm This reply was deleted. E-mail me when people leave their comments – Follow
wow...keep using slides nice:)
Awesome playing!
The still photos were great. Nice guitar and sound. It's good and bad when some dude picks up a cbg for the first time and plays it way better than I can.