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The Totally Awesome Mini Japanese Kit Guitar Show!

Views: 245
Just havin a play of the miniature kit guitar that my man Dwid sent over - little guitar, big giggle :o)

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  • Klaatu, check out you the official web pages - there are some guys playing these little things as well as they do regular guitars.
    Yep, friends are good to have, an this was even better as Iv never met the guy who sent me it - its just one of those great things that happens in CBG world. Thanks again Dwid! :o)
    Craig, the amp is one of mine - pics on ma page.
    Everyone else - cheers!
  • Must mention this to my nephew who's in a heavy metal band. I'd love to see him attempt "Master of Puppets" on this one!
  • God bless the Japanese. If it ain't giant creatures like Godzilla destroying Tokyo, its micro mini guitars. LOL! Cool little canned sound. Thanks for sharing. Rock on Dude! Enjoy
  • here it is if anyone is interested. all the big japanese rock stars are playing them, it appears (the only ones I recognized was shonen knife)
  • neat little guitar, rooster, but what is that crazy electric shaver amp you have there? THAT looks cool.
  • I think 'cool' has been redefined!!
  • Little rockin' roosterman - that is an amazing thing!
  • fun!...and looks a bit like a Dalek,lol!
  • Not sure you could be cool?! Thats the coolest thing I've seen all week!
  • very cool, that does look like fun!
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