The "Reso Bird"

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video of my 4 string "Reso Bird" guitar made by my friend Darren Dukes.....i purchased the reso bird almost 2 years ago, and it's time for the reso bird to fly!!!!!

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  • No. The hat's fine. Come back Elvis.

  • you're sooo right!!!!  Elvis was scared of the reso bird!!!!!!...or it coulda been the hat!!!!

  • Very nice instrument and well played. Elvis obviously realised that he wasn't going to get any attention and went off in a huff.

  • LOL!   Cool hat too. 

  • cant take credit for the shirt.......darren not only built the reso bird - but also told me where to get this groovy retro shirt......10 bucks off ebay!!!!!!!

  • you got the delta blues going there !!! great job, and a fine looking guitar

  • That is a gorgeous git.   Sounds good!   Like your outfit and play too.    :)   You make that bird sing.

  • nice guitar and sound!!

  • thanks for the comments......i didn't realize that the reso bird had not made a public appearance, and it certainly deserved it......

  • Oly Bajoly...thats some nice playin on a cool soundin/lookin guitbox...likey the reverse headstock too...groovy all da way around.!!

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