The Queen of Hearts Guitar build

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Hi, here is a '000' size guitar from Taffy Evans Guitars. The Queen of Hearts. NGR back and sides spruce top MOP, Maple and ebony inlays. It has 50 hearts th...

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  • Hi Rich, the white inlays are mother of pearl, the black inlays are ebony, and the white inlay around the 4 hearts on the butt of the body is rock maple.

    The hearts inside the ody as reinforcing are spruce.

    Thanks for looking Taff

  • Hi Taffy, I was looking at the inlay work and its beautiful. Is that 'mother of pearl' or a powder / acrylic inlay

  • Thanks for taking the time to put that slideshow together - it's really interesting. It's a fantastic looking instrument and I can only admire the complexity, accuracy and finish of the build.  It's inspired me to go and have a look at basic inlay techniques.  Nice work !

  • Taffy, those hearts and heart sound hole are nice touches,   The rosette is fine work, but I liked it unadorned as well.  Oooh, nice X bracing.    It's cool to see this exacting process.   WOW on the binding.   And the end product looks amazing,  I would love to sample it.  

    At my skill level (both building and playing ) and my tool and workshop levels, I am sticking to simple, poor man's guitars.  I am working on improving my six string play.   If I get adept at what I am trying to learn, I may someday reward myself with a nice factory six.  Maybe a Taylor Mini GS.

    Good on you and what you do.

  • Denbo said it Taffy. Wow! Real Luthiery.

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